To Halflight, From Rekall ♥

Mar 07, 2008 21:24

Title: Forgiving Love
Author: rekallthegreat
Series: Horitsuba Gakuen
Characters/Pairing: Kurogane/Fay
Rating: PG
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: none

Kurogane's right eye twitched as he was met with the smiling face of a blond idiot that morning. )

series: horitsuba gakuen, author: rekallthegreat, round two

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Comments 2

nightingale_r3 March 8 2008, 11:00:33 UTC
Fai is so adorable! Yup, I would forgive him too ;)


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rekallthegreat March 8 2008, 22:41:53 UTC
Thank you, I'm really glad you enjoyed it.


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