To Halflight, From Rekall ♥

Mar 07, 2008 21:24

Title: Forgiving Love
Author: rekallthegreat
Series: Horitsuba Gakuen
Characters/Pairing: Kurogane/Fay
Rating: PG
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: none

Kurogane’s right eye twitched as he was met with the smiling face of a blond idiot that morning. Mornings were always a pain living with someone who was so damn cheerful all the time; at least it was his idiot though and not the other one who was ‘temporary’ living with them until he settled into his own place.

“Good Morning Kuro-rin!”

Kurogane took it back; he wished the other twin were around instead since at least he was calmer and quieter. Come to think of it though, he didn’t see the other blond one.

“Look! Look!” came the cheerful cry as Fay directed him over to the table. “Yuuy made us breakfast before he had to leave for a meeting with Yuuko-sensei!”

‘Ah,’ Kurogane mused to himself. ‘So that’s where the other idiot is. That witch probably only called him hoping for a homemade breakfast too.’ He knew he was right, although he didn’t voice it.

The rumble in his stomach interrupted Kurogane’s thoughts and he turned his attention to what had been laid out on the table to see what the idiot chef had prepared for them that morning. Since coming to live with them Yuuy had prepared a variety of meals from around the world, claiming that having rice and miso soup every morning was boring. That didn’t sit too well with Kurogane; he liked rice.

“Western-style waffles with fruit topping and vanilla ice cream!”

Inwardly Kurogane groaned, the last thing Fay needed in the morning was ice cream but because he looked so damn happy Kurogane decided to remain quiet and not say anything; there was no need to spoil a good morning by yelling; besides he was sure he’d get to do plenty of yelling at work having to deal with the witch who got way too much pleasure disturbing him.

“When is he moving out anyway?” Kurogane grumbled, wondering when he could go back to having a normal breakfast.

“But I haven’t seen him in a long time! I miss him!” Fay protested, looking all too cute in the process, which didn’t go unnoticed by Kurogane.

“Fine,” he said, relenting. It was almost ridiculous how much Fay got away with; perhaps he could kick Fay out and instead keep the other one, but then again, there was no guarantee that Yuuy could do that ‘fun thing’ with his tongue like Fay could. No, it was best to keep Fay around.

Breakfast was eaten in quiet peace and then the two men made their way to the main building of the school where they worked together. A light snow had fallen during the night covering the vast campus in white, which put Fay into a gleeful mood that Kurogane attempted to ignore. It was cold out and all he wanted to do was get inside the warm building that they were approaching.

“Kuro-tan!” he happily cried before throwing a snowball at Kurogane, which hit square on his back.

For the second time that morning, Kurogane’s eye twitched as he turned around and glared at his lover, who was laughing and preparing to throw another snowball.

“Don’t…” Kurogane began to growl but it was too late; before he could even get the rest of the words out, the cold, wet ball hit him between his eyes.

Trying to hold back his anger, Kurogane mulled over his options. He could either kill Fay and hope a really good lawyer got him off or kill Fay, have Yuuy take his place and then claim that ‘Yuuy’ went back to Italy.

Unfortunately he wasn’t able to proceed with either plan.

“Fay-sensei!” Kuro-sama-sensei!” two voices chirped and Kurogane turned his head to the left to find two creatures jumping up and down in the snow; it was the Mokonas, Soel and Larg; a snow-Mokona was next to them as the two had been building it when they had spotted their teachers. “We want to play too!”

“No, you don’t!” he warned them but they were already rapidly throwing snowballs at Fay who was desperately trying to fight back.

“Save me Kuro-tan-sensei!” Fay pitifully cried.

‘Why me?’ Kurogane thought to himself. The nice, warm building was so close behind him, only a few feet away; but instead of being in that nice, warm building, he was watching three idiots play.

“That looks like fun!” A new voice called out, causing Kurogane to freeze. Slowly he turned around to face the school to find an open window and watched, as Yuuy was unceremonious pushed through the window before Yuuko stepped through herself.

“Stop doing that and use a door!” he yelled at her but she ignored him.

“Let’s gang up on Kurogane-sensei!” she happily called out, gaining the attention of many of the students who were arriving for school. “Extra credit for those who participate!”

A white mass of snow came sailing at Kurogane from all directions and he silently swore that the witch was going at the top of his list of people to kill.


Much later that day, Kurogane was huddled under many blankets on a bed in the nurse’s office having caught sick from all the snow. Silently he cursed Seishirou who was suppose to be taking care of him but the doctor had disappeared claiming that Sumeragi Subaru from Class D needed his attention.

“Feeling better?” a familiar voice asked and Kurogane glared as Fay entered his sights; the blond was carrying a tray with a bowl on it. “I used the Home Economics room to make you some soup.”

“You?” Kurogane inquired. It wasn’t that Fay couldn’t cook but Yuuy had done all the cooking since his arrival.

“I wanted to do it myself to say, ‘I’m sorry’, since I started it.”

Fay did look rather pathetic instead of being his normal happy-go-lucky self; reluctantly Kurogane found himself forgiving the other man; love was such a nuisance at times.

“I also bought you the latest volume of that ninja manga you like…”

Yeah, he was forgiven.

series: horitsuba gakuen, author: rekallthegreat, round two

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