To Jasetsi, From Tomoyo-hime ♥

Mar 07, 2008 21:20

Title: Until Next Time
Author: tomoyohime8
Recipient: jasetsi
Series: tsubasa reservoir chronicles
Characters: faixyuui
Rating: umm.. the space between r and pg 14?
Warnings: twincest and angst. a lot of both.
Disclaimer: I am but a humble worshipper of the wonder that is Clamp; the characters and the story all belong to them. ^^

Dedicated to my awesome beta, iambic. ^^

The story of Fay and Yuui is one of twin brothers doomed to spend eternity apart.

We stand across each other from a distance, and for several moments remain there, unmoving, unable to believe we’re both really there.

Both unable to believe that it’s really you I’m seeing.

Legend has it that when they were born, unexplainable disasters started to plague the country, and because twins were considered to be unlucky, the desperate people blamed the young princes for their misfortunes.

We both take tentative steps forward, slow, slight steps, as if in a trance. Afraid that if we break from the tradition, the spell would be broken, and we would be forced back.

Afraid that any sound would bring us back from this dream we’re in, and we’d wake up to find ourselves alone again.

Hoping that the only way to remove the curse was to separate them forever, the king banished his sons, binding Fai to the Sun and Yuui to the Moon so that they could never meet.

And then we finally stand before each other, and I tentatively raise my hand to touch your face, a face identical to my own. It’s only then that I’m certain that you’re real and that this isn’t some illusion in my head, that you’re actually here with me right now.

Yuui, I sigh, and you bring your arms around me as I run my fingers through your hair and crash my lips against yours.

But the gods were kind and took pity on them, and together they decreed that once a year, when day and night become equal during the hour that separated them, they would be able to meet.

There’s no time for pausing, no time for stopping, because time is against us, because there’s only now and now is the only time we have. It all becomes about touch and taste and feel because we’ve to make these sixty minutes last for the next five hundred twenty five thousand, five hundred and forty more.

Between the times the first star appears and the last rays of the sun disappear from the sky…

And when you’re finally beneath me, writhing in pleasure, and I bring myself to bliss within you, I close my eyes and dream of what could have been, had we not been what we were, had we not been born when we were.

But there’s no use dreaming, no use wishing, because what is, is, and one can’t change what has already happened. There is no time for ifs and regrets. And we both know that all we can do is make the most of the time we have together.

Only then can Fay and Yuui see each other again.

And then when the sun finally sets, and we both slowly fade away, I close my eyes and place my lips against your temple, slowly bringing them down as you disappear from my arms...

... making my last memory of you the taste of your tears against them, mingling with my own.

round two, author: tomoyohime8, series: tsubasa reservoir chronicles

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