so weird...

Nov 21, 2020 22:54

2020 started w/ me modding dracotops_harry fest and it ended a few weeks ago w/ the
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about: dig is rambling & makes no sense, about: real life, about: what is this life?, about: life, about: writing

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Comments 7

cyn_ful November 22 2020, 09:19:12 UTC

Maybe say take a break from fandom. It’s never far away.


digthewriter November 22 2020, 14:20:15 UTC


titti November 22 2020, 15:52:42 UTC
Awww, we'll miss you, but I understand burn out. Maybe you just need some time off. You do so much and then obligations starting to feel like a job instead of fun. I know it's why I took a long break.


digthewriter November 22 2020, 18:33:12 UTC
Yeah me stating that not modding in 2021 is 'taking time off'


titti November 23 2020, 02:28:51 UTC
That's more than understandable.

This fandom needs to use AO3 more in terms of fest modding a la Yuletide. It would ease up the pressure on the people running the fest. It's how I plan to do the Valentine one.


lijahlover November 23 2020, 05:04:54 UTC
A break could be what you need *hugs*


digthewriter November 23 2020, 05:06:25 UTC
Thanks. LOL I am always taking breaks.
I was into self care before it was cool. :D


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