The Bond - [Worth the Wait: Scorpius, James, Teddy]

Oct 15, 2017 23:45

Title: The Bond
Pairing: Scorpius, James, Teddy
Word Count: 100x6
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Creature!fic. EWE. Bonding. Mating.
Challenge: Prompt 128: Wisdom for
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A/N: Unbetaed. Harry/Draco background. Continuation of Worth The Wait Series.

"I'm doing what?" Scorpius asked, unsure of what he was feeling, and what James was saying.

"But how can that be…" Teddy whispered, looking past Scorpius' shoulder and at James.

"Can someone share the wisdom with me?" Scorpius said, thoroughly annoyed. He couldn't control his emotions. Why was he getting so cross? He was the one who often stayed calm, he wasn't like them. Wasn't like James.

"You want to bond with us," James said. "With Teddy… I don't think you know what you're doing."

"I have no idea what I'm doing," Scorpius said standing up and pushing past James. He walked around in circles in the tiny cave, felt like his skin was crawling, and his blood was boiling. What was this need he had inside him. He was hot as hell and wanted to strip all his clothes off.

He always wanted to lay down next to Teddy and feel Teddy all over him.

Teddy. Not James.

"Scor, James and I are bonded, through the wolf magic," Teddy said softly and Scorpius stopped pacing. "We're mates, even though I don't shift into a wolf, I can still call on my wolf side and bond with someone. We decided to perform the ceremony. Be together as such."

"Okay…" Scorpius drawled, what did that have to do with him?

"It must be the blood relation," James said, and Scorpius eyed him warily. James had lost him again. "And the fact you wanted him…" He'd turned and looked at Teddy.

"I'm so confused."

"Aunt Luna would know," James said. "She was the one who performed the ceremony for us."

"But I don't want to go," Scorpius started to pace again, and Teddy whispered his name. "What?" he asked softly. He thought Teddy had whispered his name, but had he?

"Come here, I want to hold you," Teddy said, and Scorpius willingly walked up to him. He settled in-between Teddy's legs, his back pressing against Teddy's chest as Teddy wrapped his arms around Scorpius. They both looked at James.

James smiled softly down at Scorpius and then ran his fingers through his hair. "The kiss must have done the trick," he said.

"I still don't understand…"

"James and I are bonded, so when you longed to be with James, I had longed to be with you. James could feel my need, and now that we were together… your desire for one person resonates with both of us because me and James, we're the same. Mates. So you called to the wolf inside me, because the wolf wants to bond with you too…"

"But…" Scorpius began but didn't say anything after that. He had no idea what to say.

"The wolf can feel James wanting you to… and you called to the wolf, because you and I are connected by blood. Through the house of Black."

"Oh," Scorpius said. He thought he was starting to understand.

"But can you have more than one mate? I mean… aren't you already taken?"

Scorpius hadn't even wrapped his mind around how apparently Teddy and James had bonded with magic and none of the family members knew.

"That's why we have to speak with Aunt Luna. She would know. She'd know if this is even possible. I mean, if you actually want that. You don't want to accidentally bond with us and then regret it later. I mean-"

"I would be yours," Scorpius said. "There's no doubt in my mind about that."

Teddy's lips touched the back of Scorpius's neck and Scorpius closed his eyes. No, there was no doubt about him being theirs. He already was.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

series: worth the wait, community: hp_nextgen100, rating: pg-13

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