My Daily Deviant Entry for October

Oct 16, 2017 00:25

I missed my date for August for
daily_deviant and the story is still more than half written and betaed, I just need to work on finishing it. However, I didn't want to miss my October posting date and be super lame. So here's something I came up w/ real quick and RQ was amazing enough to make it better. Enjoy.

Title: Loving To Hate The Dark
Characters/Pairings: Neville/Charlie
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: October theme with: Charlie Weasley - falling leaves | Neville Longbottom - spooky noises
Other Warnings/Content: Rimming. Oral sex. Unnecessarily fluffy ending.
Word Count: 4295
Summary/Description: Neville hates the dark. What he hates even more is how Charlie teases him about it.
Author's Notes: All my thanks to
ravenclawsquill for the beta.

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pairing: neville/charlie, community: daily deviant

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