Letting Go [Merlin/Arthur]

Oct 16, 2017 00:40

Title: Letting Go
Author: digthewriter
Rating: R
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Arthur decides to clean his place.
Warnings: ANGST.
Word Count: 1000
Prompt: "Insomnia"
Author's Notes: Part 8 of "A Secret Admirer?" Story. Yeah, I did cheesy romance bit there - setting the scene up - I'm wicked corny.

Reluctantly, Arthur got out of Merlin's car, and walked away. He didn't regret his decisions because he had loved kissing Merlin, but he regretted he might have scared Merlin off.

"Oh well," he said to himself as he let himself into his flat, and closed the door behind him. If Merlin couldn't handle it with Arthur, maybe they shouldn't be getting together. Instead of walking into his living room, Arthur leaned against the door and took in the view.

His flat. It was still full of Owen's stuff.

Arthur shook his head at himself. Maybe this is what Gwen meant. Maybe he needed to be single because he needed to get rid of Owen. Owen's things. Owen was already out of Arthur's heart, and now, he needed to be out of Arthur's living space.

It was a good thing he had insomnia, he thought, as he grabbed his shirt and threw it on his bed and emptied a box. He'd recently ordered books so he was glad he had something to collect Owen's items in. He placed the box in the middle of the living room and got to it. He picked up framed photos of him and Owen with friends, at various outings, and books and posters that were either presents from Owen or would only remind Arthur of him.

As he walked around the room collecting things, Arthur started to get hot. "Why am I still wearing jeans?" he asked himself as if there was someone there to answer. He really should have changed completely before taking on this task.

As he unbuttoned the jeans, there was a knock at his door. "What?" he wondered, again out loud and to no one in particular. He was too used to being around someone. Around Owen.

Who could be calling unannounced?

Arthur walked up to to the door and opened it, not realising he was half-naked. What if it was the old lady from down the hall and she needed Arthur's help fetching her cat again? However, it wasn't the old lady from down the hall. It was Merlin.


"I… uh… hi." Merlin said, his eyes wide, giving Arthur the once-over. "You always answer the door like that?"

"What are you doing here?" Arthur asked at the same time. "You have the code to the building?"

"Yeah. I knew Morgana, remember?"

"Right, of course. I… Come in." Arthur got out of the way and started to button up his jeans again. "I was cleaning up," he said, hesitantly. "I'll just go and get a shir-"

"No. I mean, don't get dressed on my account."

Arthur chuckled and closed the door to his flat. "So you're here, because…"

"You invited me, remember?"

"Yes. And you turned me down. What did you do? Drive home and then drive all the way back just to tell me you don't want me. Again."

Merlin looked slightly embarrassed. His cheeks pinked and his gaze fell away from Arthur and towards the box sitting in the middle of the living room. "What's this?"


"I didn't drive home," Merlin said, snapping his head back to look at Arthur, still defiant as ever. "I sat in my car and thought…"

"You thought."

"Yes. It's known to happen. You should try it sometime, you know. Before simply jumping to conclusions, and taking actions without really thinking."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "What did you think about?"

Merlin shrugged. "About how if I didn't take you up on your offer, of coming in and having a drink, by the way and nothing else… That I'd be making the biggest mistake of my life."

Arthur's stomach twisted up in knots and he took in a deep breath. "Shit…" he said, exhaling. He took a step towards Merlin, and for a brief second, he saw the hesitation on Merlin's face but then it vanished. "The things you say, Merlin." Merlin allowed him to close the distance between them until they were chest-to-chest, and then Arthur kissed him again.


Arthur kept pushing Merlin, and Merlin kept walking back until his back hit the kitchen island, and then Arthur was all hands. He couldn't bother breathing while his mouth of was on Merlin's and while he pressed his chest against Merlin's.

Finally when Arthur let Merlin go for a brief second, only to start kissing his favourite spot on Merlin's neck again, Merlin spoke. "You know, I'm really only here for that drink you promised me."

Still, he didn't do anything to stop Arthur from continuing his actions.

"I just seem to need you like air," Arthur murmured against Merlin's skin, before his hands reached the button on Merlin's jeans. He wanted to push more. God, he wanted to push all the way, but he stopped and looked at Merlin.

"Can I?"

"What…" Merlin gulped. "What did you have in mind?"

Arthur smiled. That smile of his he knew people found endearing: all teeth and sparkly eyes. He used to practice it as a kid. "Let me taste you, and I'll offer you that drink."

"Uh… yeah? Do you want to?" Merlin asked, his voice nothing but hot breaths on Arthur's jaw. He kissed Arthur's chin lightly as he gently thrust forward.

"You know I do. I knew I wanted this before I saw you tonight at Gwen's. I just was in denial about it. The question is, do you want to?"

"Maybe I should have that drink first," Merlin said.

Arthur nodded. He pulled away from Merlin and turned around but he'd only walked away one step when Merlin snaked his arms around Arthur's waist and pulled him back in. "Shit. I think I might need you like air, too."

Arthur smiled again, and before Merlin could stop him, or say anything else, he dropped to his knees.

In record time, he had Merlin's jeans around his ankles. He might have had insomnia, but he was going to make sure Merlin would sleep well tonight. Maybe even in his bed.

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/530907.html. Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

story: ma-secret admirer, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: r, community: camelot_drabble

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