Turning Your Life Around (Pansy/Ginny)

Apr 06, 2017 21:18

Title: Turning your life around.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Pansy/Ginny
Rating: G
Prompt: #103: TOY for
femslashficlets. Also written for Prompt: Foolish for mixandmatch100, and
enchanted_jae's JMDC challenge: Turn it around.
Word Count: 100x2
Summary: Pansy likes to live in denial, until she doesn't.
Notes: Unbetaed

Pansy didn't mind having a new toy every week. She simply didn't have time for anything else like involving a relationship, because, well, because Potter.

Thanks to her actions back when she was the stupid age of seventeen, Pansy was stuck doing community service. Her service was to last for three years and it included helping at the hospital for wizards, the soup kitchen for Muggles, and organise a quidditch little league... well for little leaguers.

It was exhausting. And no, she did not enjoy it, at all. Thank you very much. And no, the children were not at all adorable. With their tiny helmets and their enthusiasm and looking at Pansy as if she'd hung the moon.

But when Ginny Weasley came into her life, she gathered her life would never be the same. She was foolish like that. Really. And Truly.

Again, because of Potter. Potter had suggested to Weasley to "volunteer" at the little league, given she was all but a big time celebrity. Honestly. Gryffindors were such blood do-gooders.

So Pansy wondered if she'd have to learn to make room in her life for more than just her chores.

Maybe she would turn her life around.

This entry was originally posted at http://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/468963.html. Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading

rating: g, pairing: pansy/ginny, community: femslashficlets, character: pansy parkinson, challenge: jmdc, community: mixandmatch100

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