Things you should know about OPENID!

Apr 06, 2017 13:05

For all transitioning from LJ to DW. Temp or Perm or whatever. This is VERY IMPORTANT. I think.

Claiming your OpenID URL will update all your imported comments, in your journal or in other people's journals, so they're owned by the Dreamwidth account that claimed them: that way you can still manage your old content without having to authenticate ( Read more... )

about: come be my friend, about: dreamwidth, about: livejournal, about: dig is here to help

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Comments 9

creole_toile April 6 2017, 19:42:04 UTC

U da best. Thx for this bc dw is foreign territory for me


digthewriter April 7 2017, 03:15:19 UTC
no problemo


vaysh April 6 2017, 20:42:40 UTC
Thank you for this!


digthewriter April 7 2017, 03:15:33 UTC


capitu April 7 2017, 13:52:32 UTC
Thanks for this! I'm going to try it ASAP because there are several entries at my comm I want to edit and I had no idea how. <3


digthewriter April 7 2017, 14:43:28 UTC
I think most people assume when you import something under your account your user credentials transfer over. It's good to get the word out so people can know.

It took me a while to figure it out. It was driving me crazy that I couldn't get a handle on my user id.


camelittle April 10 2017, 10:23:41 UTC
THANKS! I'm a total DW Noob but figured it was probably time to get savvy. YOU ROCK <3 <3 <3


reijamira June 23 2017, 08:45:51 UTC
capitu directed me here. Thank you so MUCH for this. Very helpful!


digthewriter June 23 2017, 17:41:23 UTC
of course!


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