Title: The bookshop, part 13
draco100 PROMPT: 13: a difficult decision
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Word count: 100x2
Warnings: NA
Notes: Part 13 of THE BOOKSHOP series. (
LJ LINK) & (
Ignoring Potter for almost a month wasn't a difficult decision, what was difficult was ignoring his mother and Pansy. Even if Pansy didn't live with him, she was always around. And his mother? She constantly gave Draco tasks requiring him to go to Diagon, thinking it'd tempt him into going to Potter's bookshop.
Draco didn't go, though. Because he'd no reason to. Potter asked him to dinner, and they had set up the date.
It was two weeks away now, and everything was going to be fine. In two weeks, he'd have dinner with Potter and make arrangements to see him again a month later. It was going to be the world's slowest courtship, and eventually, Potter was going to grow tired of him and move on.
Draco didn't pay attention to the tug at his heart at the idea of Potter "moving on." No, it didn't matter. Draco wasn't going to fall in love with Potter, and he wasn't going to give Potter the chance to fall in love with him.
His plan worked brilliantly, until Draco picked up the Prophet and it showed a picture of Potter in the arms of another man.
And then, Draco lost it. Read Part 14:
LIVEJOURNAL LINK This entry was originally posted at
http://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/447418.html. Please comment anywhere you'd like. Thanks for reading