The bookshop, Part Fourteen

Apr 02, 2017 03:04

Title: The bookshop, part 14
Prompt: draco100 PROMPT:
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Word count: 100x2
Notes: The next part in the series: "The Bookshop" ( LJ link or DW link)

Before Draco could stop himself, he marched down to the bookshop where Potter worked, demanding to speak to him.

"Mr Potter's in his office, but he's having a meeting," the clerk told Draco, looking scared. He most likely was afraid of the menacing look Draco had.

He needed to relax but Draco had never taken very well to being played, and no matter how his mother had told him to take a leap of faith, he wasn't having any of this.

No, sir. He was not.

"Well, will you tell him I'm waiting out here for him."

The clerk looked at someone on the floor who was organising the books and nodded.

"Sheila will certainly do that, sir. Why don't I make you some tea?"

Draco scowled but nodded. Fine, he'd have tea.

The clerk immediately scurried off somewhere, meanwhile Sheila went towards the back office.

Five minutes later, Potter was standing in front of Draco.

"Hi," he said, grinning. "What a surprise. I didn't-"

"What is this, Potter?" Draco threw the Prophet at Potter and waited.

Potter looked at the pictures and frowned. "This isn't-"

"I don't care what your excuses are, Potter. I will not be toyed with." READ THE NEXT PART:



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community: draco100, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/draco, story: the bookshop

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