Title: Stay With Me
digthewriterPairing: Neville/Draco (Harry)
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Future threesome
Challenge: 346. Stay With Me.
A/N: Part 10 of
Wanting Harry series.
AO3 catch up link.
"What did you say to Potter?" Malfoy grabbed Neville by his arm and whirled him around. They hadn't made it all the way back to Neville's flat yet and he wanted to wait until he got home to explain things to Malfoy.
"He's coming over later," Neville said and kept walking.
"What? Why?"
"Why do you think, Malfoy?"
"What did you tell him?" Malfoy's voice was stern, but Neville caught the hint of it wavering. When he turned to look at Malfoy, he'd schooled his expression.
"I told him I couldn't...I couldn't go through with it. Not without you."
"You're fucking crazy," Malfoy said. "Potter would never. Never with me." Malfoy took a step back as if he'd just been slapped in the face and now he was getting ready to run away.
"No, don't," Neville said, reaching out. "Stay with me. Come home with me."
Malfoy looked hesitant so Neville walked up to him, closing the distance between them. "If you want me to just be with him...if that's what you want, okay. But what I want is for us to share. I just don't feel right..."
"You're being a stupid Gryffindor." Malfoy smiled and Neville kissed him.READ THE NEXT PART