Step Five: Get a clue!

Dec 06, 2016 00:05

Title: Step Five: Get a clue!
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: ~490
Rating: PG
Prompt: Earlybird Prompt for slythindor100, IMG: Christmas Biscuits and dracoharry100 Prompt: Lucius as Santa
Warning: EWE. Auror Training Academy. Made up stuff. Pretend Relationship.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: This story is going to be called "Nothing Ventured. Nothing Gained." Each chapter is going to have a unique title but it'll all be part of one big story. I hope! AO3 link for all chapters in a row!

1. ( The Proposal)
2. ( Step One: Pretending to Hide)
3. ( Step Two: Making The Most Of It)
4. ( Step Three: Bicker Like An Old Married Couple)
5. ( Step Four: Don't admit to being a stalker)

Malfoy made a face at Harry when Harry called him out on his behaviour. He'd been watching Malfoy for a while now, so yeah, he knew when Malfoy was upset, contemplative, or feeling murderous. His face was an array of emotions that Harry loved to watch.

"Mother sends her love," Malfoy said showing Harry a box of shortbread biscuits that he eventually threw at him and Harry caught it. "Father, on the other hand..."

Harry opened the box and nibbled on the biscuits. "Fuck, these are good."

"Nothing but the best at the Malfoys."

"No kidding." Harry smiled at Malfoy from his bed and when Malfoy's scowl deepened, he became serious. "Very well. What does Lucius Malfoy have to say?"

Malfoy sighed and sat down across from Harry. "The Darlington family is pureblood, noble, well-known in the wizarding world. Perhaps it's time to think of my future and simply not of my obsession."

"Obsession? Wait...don't your parents know that Sebastian is a wanker? The bloke cheated on you. He doesn't deserve you. Fuck his pureblood name-"

"It's easy for you to say, Potter. You're the bloody Saviour."

"Yes, and who died and made Lucius Santa?" Harry asked, annoyed and frustrated with the way the Malfoys were still controlling their son. Had they not learned anything from the blindly following Voldemort. "You have every right to live your life the way you want. You shouldn't have dated that arsehole in the first place. I was really surprised when you'd linked up with him-"

"Why?" Malfoy asked with genuine shock.

"Because. You deserve better!"

Before Harry could continue, there was a knock on the door and Padma Patil walked in.

"Hi, boys. Are you decent?"

"What? Yes of course-" Harry stopped himself because for a brief moment he'd forgotten that he and Malfoy were boyfriends. He was so invested in telling Malfoy his worth, he'd stopped pretending that he cared about him. Since he actually did.

"I just came to ask Draco if we're still on for tomorrow," Patil said with a smile as she looked around the room.


"Yes!" Malfoy said getting up off his bed and coming to sit next to Harry. He sat a little too close and their legs touched as Malfoy wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder. Padma Patil was one of Harry's closest friends at Auror Academy and she happened to be dating Nott, who was quite close with Malfoy. Still, Harry had no clue what this was about.

"We're all going ice skating tomorrow. It's tradition before the holiday party. For all the Auror cadets to get together and we can't use any magic!" Malfoy told Harry excitedly as Padma eyed them both.

Harry was so certain she could see right through them. If there were anything going on between him and Malfoy and that now they were boyfriends, he would have told her. He bet she was thinking that.

"Brilliant," Harry said nervously. "Can't wait." READ NEXT PART

community: dracoharry100, story: nothing ventured (nothing gained), community: adventdrabbles, community: slythindor100, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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