Step Four: Don't admit to being a stalker (Harry/Draco)

Dec 05, 2016 00:18

Title: Step Four: Don't admit to being a stalker
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: 390
Rating: PG
Prompt: Early bird prompt for slythindor100IMG: Christmas Crackers AND DRACOHARRY100 prompt: Christmas Cards
Warning: EWE. Auror Training Academy. Made up stuff. Pretend Relationship.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: This story is going to be called "Nothing Ventured. Nothing Gained." Each chapter is going to have a unique title but it'll all be part of one big story. I hope! AO3 link for all chapters in a row! Thank you nia_kantorka for all your help. All the remaining mistakes are mine.

More notes on this chapter: The author does not celebrate Christmas due to various reasons - including that it's not her religion - so everything in this is made up. Don't hold me to it when it comes to traditions b/c I've like no idea.

1. ( The Proposal)
2. ( Step One: Pretending to Hide)
3. ( Step Two: Making The Most Of It)
4. ( Step Three: Bicker Like An Old Married Couple)

Harry really loved this time of the year. His favourite part of the holiday had been receiving all the Christmas cards in the post. From his friends, former classmates from Hogwarts, and even some people that he didn't know. He still wasn't used to getting fan mail, and his favourites were always the holiday ones.

However, most of all what he was looking forward to was spending time with the Weasleys and enjoying the tradition of the Christmas crackers. The games, the hats, and being surrounded with the people you love was the most cherished thing in his life.

Now that he was dating Malfoy, he wondered if he'd be obligated to invite him over. His thoughts nearly came to a screeching halt when amongst his post, Harry noticed a letter from Hermione.

Dear Harry,

Ron has been going out of his mind at the shop because he thinks that he's swallowed some magic potion and is hearing things. I, however, haven't done such a thing. Is it true? Is it really true? Are you seeing Malfoy? I thought he was with that Sebastian Darlington, how did you manage to steal Malfoy away from him?

You must tell me everything!

With all my love,

P.S. Ron doesn't know this, but I found the engagement ring he's been hiding. Only now, I have to hide it from him for another year before he proposes. If he can't find it... well you know.

Harry shook his head as he read Hermione's letter, and at the same time, his stomach churned. He didn't want to lie to his friends, but if Hermione was lying to Ron and hiding the ring simply because she didn't wish to be engaged yet, he could play this game for Malfoy.

As soon as Harry thought of Malfoy, he'd stepped into the room. Harry quickly hid the letter from Hermione in one of his books and closed it; placing it under the pillow. When he looked up at Malfoy, he wasn't even looking at him.

"What's the matter?"

"How do you know something's the matter?"

"Because you're walking slow, your head's down, you're calculating something in your head, and thinking of how to make your move."

Malfoy raised an eyebrow at him, looking sceptic and surprised at the same time.

"We were in tactical training together, remember?" said Harry. NEXT PART

community: dracoharry100, story: nothing ventured (nothing gained), community: adventdrabbles, community: slythindor100, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg

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