Marketing Malfoy's - Chapter Eleven

Jun 05, 2016 18:23

Title: Marketing Malfoy's, Chapter Eleven
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 2405
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Warnings: Modern!Au/Muggle Au - Non magic.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Written for: This month's JMDC prompt: surprise



Summary: Draco and Astoria have a fine day when this happens...

Draco made his way to the sitting room and found the land line phone on the small table next to the grand sofa. There was a message scribbled on it, barely legible, but Draco managed to get the basic gist of it.

Gregory Goyle. His mobile number. And a word that looked like it said: business opportunity.

Goyle? Draco hadn't seen Goyle in over five years. Just like Nott, Goyle and Draco had lost touch a while ago and last he'd heard, he was living in..."bloody hell," Draco mumbled. Barcelona.

Instead of returning Goyle's call, Draco phoned Neville. He told Neville of the vague message he'd received, and they both wondered how Goyle had obtained Astoria's home number.

"Some clients have been calling inquiring about you, and I think Millicent told them you were on holiday in Barcelona. He must have figured out you'd be at the Greengrass Estate. Didn't you travel with him for a summer?"

"You're right. I wonder if he knows of Pansy and Astoria's split. But how would he- You don't think Millicent would have told him exactly where I was."

"I don't think she'd do it intentionally," Neville said when Hannah's voice jumped into the phone.

"You know how he was back in Uni, Draco," she said. "He probably finagled that info out of Millicent without her even realising it. I'll speak to her though. God knows, how many people she might have unintentionally told about your-"

"I think we should stop being so paranoid about our Office Manager," Draco said, chiming in. "Not everyone's PA is going to backstab his or her boss."

"You're right, but it's best to be careful," Hannah said.

Draco chuckled lightly. Hannah had an inexplicable mistrust of Millicent, even since at a holiday party, Millicent had drunkenly confessed of having a crush on Neville. She'd also said she had a crush on Sheila, as well, but Sheila's girlfriend hadn't come marching into the office, jealous and angry.

"Just be nice to her, and if you think she's in the clear..." which Draco was sure she would be, "have her set up a meeting between me and Goyle. Then call me back to let me know when and where the meeting is."

"How debonair," Neville said into the phone. "There's the calm and collected CEO of Marketing Malfoy's we love and fear."

Draco smiled, unable to control himself. Good thing they couldn't see him now and this wasn't a Skype call, then he'd definitely have to hide his reddening face. It was a good move to have someone else handle the meeting details, this way, he wouldn't be caught off-guard to knowing what business opportunity Gregory Goyle might have for him.

"I'll have her decline his first few options, make it sound like you're very busy handling other clients," Neville said.

"Excellent," Draco said.

"When are you coming back, Draco?" Hannah asked and then she said "What?" obviously snapping at Neville.

"Soon," Draco replied and they soon ended the call.


After he'd talked to Neville about meeting with Goyle, Millicent had called him back the next morning, informing him a meeting with head of The Goyle Group was scheduled for Friday evening at seven o'clock at the Mandarin Oriental.

For the next few days, Draco continued to drive and pick Scorpius up from school, spending as much time as he could with Scorpius, and trying not to think about what Goyle would want. He had half a mind to ring up Pansy to ask if she'd given his exact whereabouts to Goyle, but he wanted to avoid that conversation. No doubt, she would inquire about Scorpius's custody, and it was a fight he thought was best face-to-face.

Before Friday arrived, Astoria took Draco shopping for a new suit for what she called, his very big and important meeting. He shook his head at her as they walked hand in hand down Passeig de Gràcia, looking at all the brand-named shops.

All the sales-clerks, everywhere they went, had assumed they were a married couple. Especially, when Astoria had them bustling around Draco, fretting over the fitted suit-jackets or the matching shoes.

Finally, when Draco picked out the perfect suit, she'd also insisted on paying for it.

They settled into two comfortable chairs on the patio of Cafe del Gallery, Draco thought he was hallucinating. He found a man staring right at him from the other side of the terrace.

No, it couldn't be. Draco glanced away and looked at Astoria who was sipping at her coffee.

"What is it?" she asked, clearly noticing whatever expression Draco had on his face. Sheer panic, he reckoned.

"I just thought I saw someone-"


"No one important."

"Draco," she said, leaning forward and placing a hand on his. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Draco shrugged. A ghost of a relationship I never had.

"Draco?" The name was a mere whisper and Draco had to try really hard not to close his eyes and not to feel the electric shock Harry's voice sent down his spine.

Astoria immediately released his hand and straightened up.

Draco looked up at Harry, his green eyes wide-magnified by the lenses of his glasses, and stood up.

"Hello, Mr Potter," he said, as calmly as he could. "It's good to see you."

"Astoria Greengrass, this is Harry Potter."

Astoria stood up and offered her hand to Harry who shook it smiling. Harry was holding the same hand that'd just been on Draco's. Astoria was touching Harry, and Draco felt a slight pang of jealousy. It was unnecessary, stupid, and completely unlike him.

"The business complication?" Astoria said and then immediately closed her mouth as if she'd not meant to have blurted that out. Or at least, waited until Harry had left.

"I..." Harry started to say.

"You can thank Harry for why I'm visiting you, Astoria."

"And we can thank your sister to how we know each other," Harry said. It sounded like a comeback but Harry's tone was something Draco couldn't place.

"Ah, of course," Draco said. "How could I forget?"

"Would you like to join us, Mr Potter?" Astoria asked and Draco glared at her. Harry must have caught his expression, as fleeting as it had been, and declined.

"No, thank you. I've to run. I just saw..." Harry looked at Draco and nodded, "and I just had to make sure I wasn't imagining things. It wouldn't have surprised me if my eyes played tricks on me. I've missed you," he said the last bit in a whisper, and then reaching into the pocket of his suit jacket he brought out a business card. He scribbled something down on it, and handed it to Draco. "It's where I'm staying. I think you can ask for the room number if you wanted to ring me up. I...uh...noticed your mobile's been off."

Draco opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. He didn't exactly remember telling Harry never to call him again.

"You know what? I'll give you two a minute." Astoria raised her hands as she started to back away.

"Astoria..." Draco said.

"No, please don't-"

"I'm just going off to the loo. I'll be back in five. Please don't feel like you need to rush. If I don't see you when I'm back, Mr Potter, it was good to meet you."

And with that, she was gone. Draco stared at the empty space she left since he refused to look at Harry.

"I'm sorry to ruin your day," Harry said.

"You didn't," Draco said. "I...I suppose it's a small world after all. We managed to go on holiday in the same country."

"I'm not on holiday," Harry said, and he was about to say something when their waiter stopped by the table and brought a chair for Harry.

Draco figured they were probably making a scene by simply awkwardly standing on the patio in the middle of the day. So he took a seat, and Harry followed.

"You were saying..." Draco said when the silence between them was daunting and sure as hell, he wasn't going to bring anything up in conversation.

"Yeah, I'm not on holiday," Harry said, his hands in his lap and he looked like a young boy ready to get reprimanded. "After you and I-I mean after that day-I've been working. I have a business meeting in an hour, and well-"

"It's okay," Draco said, saving them both the awkwardness. "I don't need to know the details of your business dealings. We are not your PR firm."

"Draco, I-"

"It's fine, Harry. I'm over it. The suit's settled and we're moving on. You should too."

Harry scowled at Draco's response and Draco wondered if it sounded as though Draco meant Harry should move on in her personal life too. Had he? Had he moved on with someone else? Was there another man Harry seduced with promises of mind-blowing fucks? Draco convinced himself-he didn't care.

"Draco, you have to know," Harry paused to run a hand through his hair, "I never thought things would get like this between us. At first, it was easy to keep the pleasure and the business apart, but when things got fucked, they really got fucked. I didn't realise, hadn't planned on...shit."

"On what?" Draco asked, and then added, "Getting screwed over by your own PA?" He scoffed as he found it difficult to care about how affected Harry's company had been by it, or how the twins handled it. It was as if they'd got the revenge on Draco, finally made him suffer for how his father had been to Arthur Weasley twenty years ago. Something Draco had no control over.

"No," Harry said, laughing. He shook his head and his fingers thrummed on the table. "I hadn't planned on falling for you."

Draco was stunned silent.

Harry continued, "I thought it was going to be so easy. So perfect. I'd managed to fall in love with someone Sirius's related to. Things were coming full circle. I was an idiot. Nothing in my life has been simple, how could I have thought getting you would be."

"Getting me?"

Draco had no idea what he was supposed to say to that. How would be even respond? He opened his mouth to say something else but Harry's mobile chimed at the same time and went to answer it.

"Sorry," Harry mumbled to Draco as he picked up. "Potter. Yeah? I'm on my way? What do you mean they want to resched- No, that's not an option. Fine. Tell them I can be there in..." Harry looked at his watch, "I'll be there in ten minutes. I don't care. Fine. Yes, I'm sure, Hermione."

"Timing's never right, right?" Harry said standing up. He placed a hand on Draco's shoulder, "It was good to see you, Draco. I hope you'll come and see me. I'm supposed to be here until Tuesday, but I can extend the trip. Please, I hope-" His mobile rang again and Harry released a low groan. "Please, call me."

He answered the phone on his way out and Draco placed his hand on his shoulder where Harry'd just been touching him. As he saw Astoria approaching the table again, Draco wasn't sure if everything that'd just happened was a hallucination. He looked down at his hands and he was holding the card Harry gave him. No, it wasn't his imagination.

Harry was in Barcelona. He snorted with disbelief when Astoria sat down.

"What's the matter?" she asked, taking the card from his hand.

"He's staying at the Mandarin Oriental."


"You know, it figures as much that he didn't remember me," Astoria said as they sat back into the car and headed back to the house. After the long day of shopping, coffee, and running into Harry, Draco was knackered and could have used a nap.

"Who?" Draco asked, not really listening to what Astoria had been saying.

"Potter," she said. "Let's go by the school and pick up Scorpius first," she told the driver.


"I mean, it was over ten years ago and I was just that groupie-"

"Astoria, what are you talking about?"

"I have met Harry Potter before. Also, was I right? You had an affair with him? Was he a business contact and someone found out? He's not married is he, Draco?"

Astoria looked so scandalised that Draco couldn't help himself but laugh. When he settled down, he managed to tell her his side of the story. "Now, tell me how he's supposed to know you?"

"Oh!" she said, looking reminiscent. "His girlfriend, ex-girlfriend I suppose, was a famous footie star. Her team was always participating in inter-academic competitions and she once played against the team my friends were on. I used to go watch them play all the time. One year when they'd won the championship, I was there. She recognised me and came by to talk. We had a grand time talking about the games, and she even gave me her phone number! So we met for coffee a few times until I realised she was straight, had a boyfriend, and then I'd met said boyfriend. Then Daphne invited me to one of her parties where I met Pansy, and well, the rest is history."

"God, I'm so sick of how small the world is. Maybe I should just move to China," Draco said, looking out the window as they neared Scorpius's school.

"If you go, make sure you take me and Scorpius with you," she teased.

"Of course, I wouldn't dare otherwise," Draco replied. He found it funny that a month ago, Astoria and Scorpius were just two people that he were on the back of his mind, and now, they were a part of him as if they'd always been there. If it weren't for Pansy, and her own manipulating, Draco would have never reached out to her. Now, he felt a part of something, he'd never thought he'd have. He loved Scorpius. In just a few short weeks, he'd completely fallen for that boy and couldn't imagine his life without him.

So, yeah, he knew he wasn't going to actually move to China, even if it sounded promising. He wouldn't dare be away from Scorpius now. Besides, it seemed no matter where he went, he was going to run into Harry.

*-*-* CHAPTER 12

story: marketing malfoy's, challenge: jmdc, pairing: harry/draco

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