Marketing Malfoy's, Chapter 3

Nov 28, 2015 16:04

Title: Marketing Malfoy's, Chapter 3
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 2400 - this chapter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Modern!Au/Muggle Au - Non magic.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: READ CHAPTER ONE, CHAPTER TWO Thanks again to dracogotgame for coming to the rescue. All the remaining mistakes are mine.
Summary: Neville and Draco go out to dinner with Harry and Draco is still still nervous.

As they had decided, Neville picked Draco up from his flat at six o'clock and they drove toward the place Harry had messaged him about. Draco wasn't much for trying new things but he'd been to the curry place around the corner from Neville's place a few times so he knew what he was getting in for. Besides, Astoria had craved nothing but curry, or take out Chinese, when she'd been six months pregnant. And of course, Draco had been around to cater to all of her culinary needs.

"Are you nervous?" Neville asked as they found a parking spot near the restaurant. They were still fifteen minutes early, and Draco was glad for it. He wanted to get a drink at the bar before they'd sit down for dinner.

"Why, are you?" Draco asked.

Neville let out an exasperated sigh. "You know, your habit of asking me how I'm feeling when I'm asking you about your thoughts is starting to get old. Just tell me how you feel, Draco. I'm not going to hold it against you."

In other words, Neville wasn't his mother or Pansy.

"I'm glad you're going to be there. Besides, I think this is just a formality. If this were a business dinner, the twins would have come too. I think it's just their way of feeling us out a bit and of course, given that the twins don't know about my history with Harry..." Or lack thereof. "...This really won't be that big of a deal. I'm just glad you'll be there and the man won't try to convince me we should continue our other interests in secret. Business and pleasure, and all that."

"Would you want to?" Neville asked, when they'd stopped at the light and he'd turned to look at Draco. "If this wasn't about making or breaking your career, our career, that is..."

Draco shrugged. He'd been doing that a lot since he'd partnered up with Neville. Neville was just a, see it as it goes, kind of a bloke and Draco was starting to appreciate that about him. "No point in dwelling on something that isn't there," he said.

Draco could tell Neville had something to say about his comment, but he'd obviously decided to stay quiet about it. He didn't push it, either. He didn't need another lecture, just like the one from his mother the night before, about how Draco should think about his life, more than outside just the firm.


When they arrived at the restaurant, Draco was moderately annoyed to see Harry was already there. He'd wanted to have a drink on his own before the night had continued, but of course, the faster they did this, the faster he and Neville could leave.

"The twins send their regards, and they're sorry they couldn't join us tonight. But trust me, we wouldn't be here if they had," Harry said when the three of them had taken their seats around a small round table.

"Why? They don't like curry?" Draco asked.

"No. They're not that experimental, apparently," Harry replied, laughing. He gave Neville a knowing look and Neville just nodded.

"How's Angelina?" Neville asked.

"She's doing well," Harry replied.

"Brilliant. Do send my regards to her, and Ginny, of course," Neville said before he started to look over the menu. Draco had no idea who these people were, as they'd never met them, so he simply stared at the pictures of the food on his menu. He knew he liked the okra one with the sautéed onions and the potato stuffed bread, and was probably going to order it.

Thankfully, the waiter stopped by quickly and they all ordered.

Midway through the meal, as the pleasantries were over with, Harry got down to business. "I'm not supposed to tell you this but I'm going to anyway," he said. "It's between you and this other firm that interviewed with us yesterday, but I think Fred and I are leaning towards Marking Malfoy's than...the other party."

"What's George's problem?" Draco asked, without thinking about it twice. He needed to work on that. Honestly, for a PR rep, he had a habit of being a bit crass at times.

"He doesn't have a problem, I think he just thinks we should go with more experience, whereas, Fred and I already have a relationship with Neville and we know your history so we're more confident in the new approach."

A history with Neville? Draco didn't understand. He thought Neville had just dated the Weasley sister, but of course, there was more about his partner he needed to know. Draco and Hannah had studied at Uni together and that's how he'd met Neville, when Hannah had married him. Neville had a great work ethic and was loyal to the last bone in his body; of course, it seemed everyone around him seemed to know that.

"I think you're giving me too much credit," Neville said, blushing. "I haven't seen you lot in a few years, not since I got married, but it's good to know I left a lasting impression."

"Please, Ginny still says wonderful things about you and even Luna had been asking about you after she'd found out you guys were going to be coming into the office," Harry said, dismissing Neville's modesty.

Draco hated how he was starting to feel jealous of Neville. Harry clearly thought so highly of him, evidently, everyone around did, but it was Harry's attention, his smile, his gaze only on Neville was actually driving Draco mad.

What is wrong with me? He needed to get it together.

Draco started to stuff his face again. Without a doubt, just having Neville around was good for business, maybe they should have called the company Longbottom and Malfoy Marketing. People would have absolutely come banging on the door.

When they were almost at the end of the meal, Neville got a phone call. He excused himself from the table and went off to answer it. Draco was sure it was Hannah. Usually, Neville was the polite sort that let his phone vibrate, but he only answered if his wife were calling. Especially now when the baby was still a bit sick, Neville was more attentive towards it.

"How is it working with Neville?" Harry asked when Draco looked away from Neville walking away and back at his empty plate of food.

"Oh, it's good," Draco said casually. "He's become one of my closest friends and we work well together. He understands me, doesn't push me too much, or maybe sometimes he does but always for the right reasons."

"Like that do you?" Harry said with a hint of teasing in his tone. "Being pushed?"

Draco shook his head and looked into Harry's eyes. "You don't give up, do you?"

Harry bit his lip then picked up his wine glass. He took a sip and Draco watched as Harry unknowingly licked his lips. "Not if I can help it."

"Thank you for dinner. It's a very nice gesture of your company to-"

"I would have asked you even if the twins hadn't offered it. I've wanted to see you again."

"Can't we just call it what it was? Just a one-off? I was just letting off some steam before my big business interview. I don't...I'm not looking for..." He trailed off when Neville came rushing back to the table.

"Is everything okay, Neville?" Harry asked before Draco had the chance to. Neville looked gravely distraught.

"The fever's high again, and Hannah's going to take the baby to Urgent Care. I need to go and meet her. Draco-"

"It's fine, Neville. Just go. I'll take a taxi home," Draco said, reassuring him, and Neville nodded, grabbed his coat and left.

"And then there were two," Harry said as they both sat back down and the silence on the table was daunting.

"Listen, Harry-"

"It's not a marriage proposal, Draco," Harry said quickly. "It's an offer for sex. I'm sorry I've been pushing. I guess I'm just not used to being turned down." He laughed lightly, looking mostly as though he was laughing at himself than anything else.

Before Draco could say anything else, Harry continued, "Maybe I misread..." He gestured between the two of them, "...this thing between us. Of course, I can maintain a professional relationship between us."

"Right," Draco said, clearing his throat and took a big gulp of wine from his glass.

It wasn't that Draco didn't want to. Of course, he did. And it wasn't even that Draco usually said no to people. His whole life, he'd been the one who was never given a choice. What school to attend, what clothes to wear, what friends to have, was all dictated for him and he'd always gone along with it. He would have said yes to Harry because he said yes to any proposal he'd get because Draco was just not used to saying no. He was barely ever given the chance to say no. The thing about it now was that, this was the first time, he didn't really want to say no. So what did that mean? He wondered to himself and when he looked up, Harry was watching him intently.

"You know..." Harry paused to take a deep sigh. "Can I be honest?"

"Certainly," Draco replied.

"This morning when you were giving your presentation, I couldn't take my eyes off you. All I could remember was how thick and heavy your cock felt in my mouth and how I wanted to do that to you again."

Draco's eyes widened and he squirmed in his seat trying to remain impassive towards Harry's words. His reaction to what Harry had thought was received positively, by his cock, at least.

"And that fucking suit you wore-"

"You didn't look half bad yourself. I didn't realise you wore glasses."

"Yeah, I usually wear contacts to a party and my hair has like, no hope, without gel." He mocked himself and Draco hated finding it endearing.

"It looks good," Draco replied, looking into his empty wine glass. He was not supposed to be charmed by Harry, he was supposed to be strong!

"Do you want to get more wine? Or go somewhere else for a drink?" Harry asked as he motioned for the waiter to approach them.

"No," Draco said, and smiled. "I think it's best if I go home now."

"Sure thing," Harry said, smiling.

When the bill came, Harry gave the man his credit card without looking at the total and as they were about to leave, Draco saw the smile on the waiter's face. He reckoned Harry had probably made his night with a good tip.

"I can give you a lift home," Harry said when they stood awkwardly outside the restaurant before the valet approached them and Harry gave him his key.

"You don't have to-"

"No, I want to. I know where you live, remember?"

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea."

"Why?" Harry looked amused. "Afraid you won't be able to resist me, once we're in closed quarters again."

Draco shook his head and looked around before answering. "Yes. I'm actually afraid of exactly that. You didn't misread the thing between us and you know..."

"You're thinking about it," Harry said, casually as he winked.

"After what you said you thought of me during the presentation, wouldn't you be thinking about it?"

"I didn't say it to change your mind. I said it because I thought you ought to know: your cock is worth daydreaming about."

"You're ridiculous, Potter."

"So this is going to be a thing then?" Harry asked, teasing.

"What thing?" Draco asked, annoyed.

"You'll call me Potter when you become uncomfortable with something..." The valet drove the car up to them and Harry went around to the driver's side. When they were settled in and Harry started to drive away, he said, "You know I've had an easier time convincing straight guys in getting a blow job."

Draco gasped and then coughed with surprise. "You need to stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Catching me off guard!" Draco complained and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You're lucky I wasn't drinking anything or it would have been all over your dashboard."

Harry chuckled but didn't look in Draco's direction. Ten minutes later, they were parked outside Draco's flat. Draco tried not to show he was mildly impressed that Harry had remembered exactly where Draco lived.

"So...I had a great time," Harry said, turning the car off, and facing Draco.

"It wasn't a date," Draco said.

"That would explain why I had such a good time. I'm awful at dates. I screw up, make bad jokes, and come on too strong."

"In that case, I think it might have been a date," Draco said, smiling, and now he too was facing Harry. Why hadn't he just said his goodbyes and got out of the car already?

"In that case, I'm sorry?" Harry scrunched up his face and Draco could only laugh.

He didn't realise when but Harry's hands had left the steering wheel and he sneakily threaded his fingers with Draco's. By all means, still trying. Draco might have admired that. Maybe.

"Is it sexual harassment if I want to kiss you goodnight?" Harry asked squeezing Draco's fingers.

Draco squeezed back. "Only after we sign the official contract," he said. When Harry gave a soft smile, Draco leaned in, and Harry leaned in too.

The kiss was tentative, as if Harry was afraid--if he pushed, Draco would back off. Maybe Draco would have backed off, but he enjoyed kissing Harry. He'd enjoyed kissing him on Saturday night at Daph's party, on Sunday in his bed, and now, in Harry's car.

Harry pressed his lips firmly against Draco's and he parted his lips slightly, inviting Draco's tongue in. Draco accepted the invitation without hesitation. He knew he was being foolish, but he truly couldn't help himself.

When they parted, Harry released his hands too, and Draco didn't care for that at all. What had started as a formality dinner, had quickly turned into a night Draco didn't want to end.

"What else is up for grabs without an official contract?" Harry asked.

Draco shrugged. "You want to come in?"

"Are-are you sure?" Harry asked, sounding completely surprised.

"It's not business," Draco managed to say, hoping he didn't sound desperate, even if he was acting a bit capricious.

Harry smiled and pulled the key out of the ignition. "My three favourite words."


story: marketing malfoy's, pairing: harry/draco

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