The Mad Prince [Merlin/Arthur] - PG

Apr 03, 2016 14:49

Title: The Mad Prince
Author: digthewriter
WC: 100
Notes: Unbetaed. Created for tavern_tales theme: Theme: Grails, Tables, Swords

The Mad Prince )

pairing: merlin/arthur, community: tavern_tales, rating: pg

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Comments 7

The Mad Prince [Merlin/Arthur] - PG koshweasley April 3 2016, 18:52:42 UTC
You have me again watching Merlin, on Netflix. I hope they have the entire series.

This is beautifully done, in so few words. Nicely done.


Re: The Mad Prince [Merlin/Arthur] - PG digthewriter April 3 2016, 18:55:35 UTC
♥ HAHA... last month we had a re-watch challenge over at camelot_drabble and that's where all my CANON feels came from ;) Yeah, NETFLIX has the whole thing - so far. I hope they don't take it away.



Re: The Mad Prince [Merlin/Arthur] - PG koshweasley April 3 2016, 23:10:56 UTC
I'd better get watching then, on the off off chance the show offends the higher ups.

Now if Netflix would get Teen Wolf.


owensheart April 4 2016, 13:55:13 UTC
Brilliant analogy.


digthewriter April 4 2016, 14:03:59 UTC
Thanks a lot!


archaeologist_d April 15 2016, 16:01:07 UTC
Lovely. I really liked the visuals.


digthewriter April 15 2016, 16:06:49 UTC
Thanks a lot!


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