The Mad Prince [Merlin/Arthur] - PG

Apr 03, 2016 14:49

Title: The Mad Prince
Author: digthewriter
WC: 100
Notes: Unbetaed. Created for tavern_tales theme: Theme: Grails, Tables, Swords

He stared into Arthur's eyes. The man who was willing to give up his own life for his servant. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Merlin knew that it was he who was supposed to protect Arthur but Arthur was just so damn stubborn and it drove Merlin mad.

Mad with annoyance for the prat.

Mad with the love for his prince.

Yes, Arthur belonged to him and Merlin knew it so. It was his destiny.

Now all he had to do was prove it to Arthur. It was either the two of them together, or neither one at all.

pairing: merlin/arthur, community: tavern_tales, rating: pg

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