Title: Stoic
digthewriterPairing: Neville/Charlie; background: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU/EWE
Challenge: PROMPT 322 for
neville100: The Calm Before the Storm
A/N: Continuation of
series "(Fantastic Beasts) Neville knows where to find them" - Best way to catch up is on
Part 17 here + Read part 18 below
At dinner, Neville was a nervous wreck. Each student, each teacher that looked at him for just a second longer than normal, worried him. It all just looked calm, before the storm him.
He was so sure the entire school already knew about him and Charlie, even if there wasn't really much to know. Except that Neville really wanted to sleep with Charlie. He'd had a crush on the man since forever. Maybe it started when they all used to go to Ginny's Quidditch games. Charlie and Ron were always decked out in team colours and sometimes, if the weather permitted, Charlie would even take his shirt off.
Now, that was a sight for sore eyes.
It's really not going to do you any good if you start thinking about him without his shirt before you even date the man.
He looked over at Harry and Draco who were both quite stoic. If one didn't know them personally, they wouldn't know that the two of them were always on top of each other. Except, in front of the students, they always looked so put-together.
Yeah, Neville needed to take a chapter from their book. He needed to get it together.
part 19