Just posting it here for all my "new friends," that might be interested!
Originally posted by
digthewriter at
Quick reminder about January PromptsJust popping in to remind everyone that
hp_creatures posts monthly prompts for all Harry Potter characters and pairings, so write or draw to your heart's desire!
Prompts are inspirations and are open to all sorts of interpretation. We'd like to see all your creature fics/art/collage!
-Story/art/etc must contain "a creature" as a main theme or character (it doesn't have to be the creature provided in the prompt)
-All pairings are welcome (slash, het, femmeslash, gen)
-Anything goes! Fic, Podfic, Drabbles, Drawbles, Art, Graphics, Videos, etc
-Prompts can be combined with other challenges
-Choose one prompt or use them all (or write a drabble for your own prompt)
-Incorporate the prompts in any way that you choose
January Prompts are:
PICTURE PROMPT 2. Sharp 3. Chiang Rai (Thailand)