Determination [Scorpius Malfoy]

Dec 31, 2015 04:33

Title: Determination
Fandom: Harry Potter
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 850
Pairing/Character: Scorpius, Albus, Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Created for: Day 31 for
adventdrabbles with the prompt: New Year's Resolution
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Unbetaed. This is a continuation of The HOLIDAZE series: " Scorpius's Escape" + " Plans" + " In Secret" + " Making Friends" + " Coffee"

Albus took a big gulp of his coffee and looked straight at Scorpius. "Our dads are boyfriends," he said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Scorpius felt like he'd just been slapped in the face.

"My dad is in a relationship with your dad. Or well, they kiss, at least."

It didn't upset Scorpius that his father was with someone, even if it was a man, he didn't care about that. But, his father was dating Harry Potter? Seriously? There was no way that was true. From what he'd heard when he was a kid--his father hated Harry Potter, and Harry Potter hated him. Except for there was some bit about saving the other's life which his mum didn't know too many details of. He knew they were Quidditch rivals, especially when he'd announced that he didn't want to play Quidditch and how disappointed his father had been about that.

No, it simply wasn't true.

"It's true. I've seen them. Kissing." Albus straightened up slightly. "I've seen them kissing. They don't know I know. I mean, no one knows. But I wanted to talk to someone about it and well, here you are."

"Where did you see them kissing?" was all Scorpius could ask.

"The first time was two years ago, I thought it was my imagination. It was at King's Cross when we were leaving for our last year. I saw my dad speaking to Mr Malfoy at the end of the platform and I thought that was weird. Then they'd disappeared. I went looking for him and thought I saw them so close...then my mum called for me. I ran towards the train and had barely made it. When the train started to pull away, he came back to waive goodbye."

Scorpius thought about that day. He did remember thinking his father had mysteriously disappeared for a few minutes while he was talking to his mother so there wasn't a way for him to deny Albus's claim.

"Anyway, over the summer, right around my dad's birthday, I saw Mr Malfoy at the Thirsty Scholar. I was behind the bar working with John Cho, he was teaching me how to mix drinks the Muggle way and then my dad showed up. I hid behind the kitchen door as I watched them talk. I remember thinking, I didn't know they were friends. Then, they went towards the back exit door. So naturally, I followed them."

"Naturally," Scorpius said.

Albus smiled and continued his story. "Anyway, at the back exit, they were kissing. I mean like really kissing. My dad had your dad pushed against the wall. I couldn't help but stare for a few minutes, then I thought it was rude to stare so I left." Albus took a deep breath as if he was so relieve to let a huge load off his shoulders. "So yeah, since then I kind of watch my dad. Bring Mr Malfoy up in conversation sometimes just to see his reaction. I mean, that day at the Thirsty Scholar he wasn't even afraid of getting caught."


"Nothing. His face doesn't even change. He gives nothing away."

"Your father's a well-trained, Auror," Scorpius said.


"Does it bother you that he's..."

"Gay?" Albus asked and Scorpius nodded. "No. I mean, my brother is gay. At least Dad doesn't flaunt his boyfriend in front of everything just to make a statement."

"What's the statement?"

"That he doesn't care," Albus said, sounding annoyed.

"Maybe he's just happy," Scorpius said. When Albus didn't say anything, Scorpius asked another question. "Do you think my father makes your father happy?"

Albus looked up from his coffee cup and smiled at Scorpius. "I think so." His grin was genuine and it warmed Scorpius's heart. His father wasn't mean, he was strict, but he was fair. Not like Scorpius's grandfather at all. He didn't remember any unhappy times in his childhood with his parents but he also knew that his parents weren't happy together. Maybe his father dating Harry Potter wasn't that bad of a thing.


"Are you going to say anything?" Albus asked, sounding nervous. Maybe he thought he'd said too much. Maybe he thought that Scorpius would tell on him. Scorpius was good at keeping secrets. "It was going to be my New Year's resolution to get my dad to admit, but I don't know if I can do that."

"No. I won't say anything," Scorpius answered. "It's not my secret to tell. I'm having dinner with my father tonight, and maybe I'll drop a hint or something. Casually bring you and your brother up in conversation, if they are seeing each other, then I'm sure they'd want their children to get along. I'll see how my father responds to it. My father is good at seeming impassive but he also panics fairly easily. If there's something there, I'll find out."

Albus threw his head back and laughed. It was so authentic, it took Scorpius by surprise.

"What is it?" Scorpius asked, curious to know what really was just so funny.

"And here I thought you weren't in Slytherin." next part

series: holidaze, character: scorpius malfoy, community: adventdrabbles, pairing: harry/draco, rating: pg, character: albus severus potter

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