In Secret

Dec 28, 2015 10:56

Title: In Secret
Fandom: Harry Potter
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 500
Pairing/Character: SPOILER: *[Scorpius Malfoy, Teddy Lupin, Albus Severus, Teddy/James, Harry/Draco]*
Rating: R
Created for: Day 28 for
adventdrabbles with the prompt: snowflake
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Unbetaed. This is a continuation of " Scorpius's Escape" & " Plans"

"Don't make that face," Teddy said as he brushed some snowflakes off his winter coat and grabbed Scorpius's hand. He pulled on Scorpius and they made their way up the snowy mountain where Teddy's "friends" were waiting. Scorpius, of course, recognised them right away. It was the Potters. It was always the Potters.


"How long is he gone for?" Harry asked as Draco pushed him into his bedroom and locked the door behind them. It was one of the rarest days when everyone was out of the manor and Draco was able to get in touch with Harry in time enough.

His mother and father were out shopping for dress robes for the New Year's Eve party, and Teddy had, thankfully, come by to grab Scorpius.

"An hour, maybe two," Draco said; he started to undress after Harry had got on his bed.

"That's more than what we've had all month," Harry said, and pulled Draco on top of him.

They kissed hungrily as if they were some horny teenagers that might just get caught by their parents. That's how Draco had truly felt about it, anyway.

Draco settled in between Harry's legs and he knew that Harry was going to want to take his time. They'd rushed it over the past few occasions because of how they never got to be alone for long, and Draco didn't mind. He liked it when Harry was writhing underneath him, begging for Draco.

"Where is your son?" Harry asked, eventually as he turned around and rested on his stomach.

"Out with Teddy," Draco said, kissing the back of Harry's neck, then making his way down.

"Oh, with my sons, then," Harry said. There was something in his voice that faltered just a bit and Draco stopped.

"Would it bother you, if he was?" Draco asked, unsure of how to feel about the situation.

"No. Just hoping they get along, is all," Harry answered and pushed back so his arse rubbed against Draco's cock. "Come on, we only have an hour, not the whole day."

Draco raked his hand through Harry's hair and pulled him back for a kiss. Their kids would have to meet some day, and he was satisfied to know that Harry wasn't completely against it.


"Scorpius, you know James and Al," Teddy said as he patted Albus's head and then leaned over to kiss James Potter.

"Of course," Scorpius replied, nodding once and then looking away immediately.

Scorpius had no idea that Teddy was involved with James Potter. Not that he minded, or cared, and clearly Teddy didn't too since he was so public about his affections.

"Don't mind them," Albus said as he walked up to Scorpius and stood next to him. "They're ridiculous, but you get used to it."

"I didn't know," Scorpius said, hating how weird his voice came out then. "How long have they been-"

"A few years, at least. But the way they snog all the time, you'd think they got together last week."

next part

series: holidaze, character: james sirius potter, character: scorpius malfoy, character: teddy lupin, community: adventdrabbles, rating: r, character: albus severus potter

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