"Just Another Auror Fic, Part II" - Happy Birthday Anemonen

Dec 30, 2015 14:26

Title: Just Another Auror Fic, Part II
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 290
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No dialogue
Created for: Birthday gift for my loveliest of all the lovelies: anemonen
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: So as always (almost always) the first letter of each sentence eventually spells out the recipient's USERNAME, in this case it is: ANEMONEN. Dearest Anemonen, I hope you like this little thing. Unbetaed. This is a continuation from last year's story: " Just another auror fic.

At first, if Harry was honest with himself he wasn't sure if Malfoy was sober. He was glad that Malfoy was finally making the move. Harry had been flirting with Malfoy for ages and he'd thought that Malfoy had just not caught on.

Now he was here. Squeezing Harry's thigh with his right hand and drinking his pint with his left.

Everyone in the room was busy with themselves so Harry was sure that no one saw them. Or paid any attention to them. The bartender didn't seem to look like he'd noticed anything.

Malfoy's hand slid higher, just resting an inch away from Harry's groin. He was quickly getting hard and surely, Malfoy would have noticed it. He quickly finished his pint off and threw some Muggle money on the counter. He'd paid enough for him and Malfoy, and then some.

Once Malfoy caught on to what Harry was doing, he too, finished his drink. He stood up abruptly and nodded at Harry.

Now or never, Harry thought to himself. He grabbed Malfoy by his hand and pulled him out the door. They all but sprinted to Harry's flat and were inside it in record time.

Every fibre of his being was throbbing with desire. Harry pushed Malfoy against the door after he'd closed it and kissed him. His knee in-between Malfoy's legs was welcomed and Malfoy moaned around Harry's tongue. It was bloody brilliant.

Neck kisses from Malfoy, Harry decided, were the best thing in the world. Especially in the morning. In efforts to waking him up, Malfoy kissed Harry from neck to toe and then back the next day. Harry reckoned he could get used to this. From now on, Malfoy was only sleeping in his bed.

recipient: anemonen, rating: pg-13, gift fic, pairing: harry/draco

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