"Just Another Auror Fic" - Happy Birthday Anemonen

Dec 30, 2014 12:15

Title: Just Another Auror Fic
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 330
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No dialogue
Created for: Birthday gift for my loveliest of all the lovelies: anemonen.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: So as always (almost always) the first letter of each sentence eventually spells out the recipient's USERNAME, in this case it is: ANEMONEN. Dearest Anemonen, I hope you like this little fic-rabble. I started writing another one before this and was ALMOST finished with it, until I realised that it was oddly similar to "Twelve Hours" and I suppose in a way, that can be a compliment to the origial writer of that story. So I changed gears a bit and came up with this for ya. Love you to bits, as always! Lame title is lame.

Summary: Harry's having a very long day being an Auror and all.

After a long day of interviews and autographs, Harry was finally free! He headed off to the local pub outside his flat in Muggle London and wanted to drink himself to the stupor. He hoped that the alcohol will put him in a coma that he wouldn't wake up from for a whole year.

Nobody had thought that the serial killer case that Harry and his team of Aurors were working on would ever be solved and after nine months of constantly finding false leads, they had finally had a break and the case was finally solved! All he wanted was a big fat drink, and instead, all he'd got was more big fat attention!

Everything was exhausting!

Malfoy, of course, was no help. He always enticed the press by over-exaggerating Harry's heroics and then he'd sneak out and Harry would have to answer question upon question. He was just an awful, awful partner, except that he wasn't. On the field he was brilliant.

On the field, Malfoy was nothing but serious and professional and if Harry was honest with himself, Malfoy was the reason any of these cases were solved. Except, he'd never actually tell Malfoy that, of course; the git's head was already full of how awesome he thought of himself.

Now Harry was finally free. He quickly Apparated home, changed out of his robes and headed to the pub. As soon as he'd entered, his favourite bartender had poured him a pint and Harry was in Muggle heaven.

Except of course, Malfoy was there, too. He smirked at Harry as if he was calling Harry just oh so predictable. Harry rolled his eyes and gestured for the bartender to pour Malfoy a pint, too.

Nodding a thanks, Malfoy sipped the beer and then did something Harry had never expected. Malfoy slid his hand up Harry's thigh and gently squeezed it. Harry bit his lower lip and shook his head. Leave it to Malfoy for always calling the shots.


recipient: anemonen, rating: pg-13, gift fic, pairing: harry/draco

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