FIC: Being A Good Student (Harry/Sirius, NC-17)

Sep 15, 2015 15:06

Title: Being A Good Student

Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Sirius/Harry written for hp_crossgenfest
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,500
Content/Warnings: Godfather/godson sexual relationship. AU!Sirius lives.
Author's Note: All my thanks to Gracerene and anemonen for the beta.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement intended.

Summary: Sex is an emotion in motion. All you need is someone to guide you in the right direction.

"Just let me... let me touch your cock. I want to look at it. I could make it really good for you, I swear. I've been told I'm good with my mouth." Harry could still feel the man's hot breath on his skin. His words still rang in Harry's ear when he walked out of the Floo and into the sitting room at Number twelve, Grimmauld Place.

He sighed and sagged back into the sofa. He had just about had enough. There was no way he was going to find someone in the wizarding world that could give him what he wanted.

What he wanted was sex.

What he needed But, he also wanted a relationship.

He was a jump before you think kind of a man, he always had been, and now he'd been stomped over by his dating life. Or lack of.

He'd considered going to the Muggle world, maybe a nightclub or something to find some anonymous bloke to blow off some steam with but he couldn't see himself doing that. He wasn't into one-offs. He had tried it, but it just wasn't his thing. On top of that, being with a Muggle long term wasn't something he wanted to consider.

With Muggles, he was too afraid about getting attached. He'd have to tell his Muggle partner about magic eventually and then what? He'd Obliviate them if things just didn't work out?

No, Hermione would have his head for that. He was sure.

Things just sucked so much in the wizarding world. After his break up with Ginny, Harry had decided that he didn't want to date another woman. He had far more attraction towards men than women, so he didn't want to continue dating women and leading them on when there really was never going to be a future. Finding a man who wasn't somehow using him for his fame, or that he could trust enough not to sell the story to the Prophet, was damn near impossible

Of course, if all he wanted was sex, there was always a glamour he could use to go out and pull wizards. At least that way, he wouldn't have to conceal his magic. But Harry would still run the risk of falling for them under false pretences, and Harry didn't feel comfortable with the deceit.

He was utterly screwed.

"Looks like you're doing some heavy thinking over there," Sirius said walking into the room. He plopped himself next to Harry on the sofa.

"Yeah, I uh...not any more than usual," Harry replied.

"How was the date?" Sirius asked.

"Awful," Harry spat. "The man talked about his shop the entire time and it was more a business meeting than a date. Then, he wanted to..." Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"What? Wanted to suck you off so he could tell all his friends about it?" Sirius asked; his tone was so dry and Harry didn't know how to place it. If it were anyone else, Harry would have thought they were jealous. But, why would Sirius be jealous?

Harry looked at Sirius in disbelief; he was nearly struck silent by the comment. How did Sirius know? It'd been awhile since Sirius had been so frank with him...he wondered if Sirius had something on his mind.

"I just don't have a lot of experience," Harry said, eventually. "I feel like I should, if I was going to do something casual with these men. I mean, it's bad enough that I'm so worried about all these men trying to use me because I'm famous. But if they are going to sell me out, I at least don't want them telling the world I'm bad at sex."

"I'm sure you're not bad at sex," Sirius said, chuckling. "Every inexperienced person thinks they'll be bad because they haven't had enough..." Sirius paused to clear his throat, "practice."

Harry didn't respond, instead, he merely raised an eyebrow sceptically. He was struggling to hide his blush. Sirius was sitting so close to him that it was making Harry nervous.

After the war, once Sirius and Harry had moved in together, Harry had noticed the subtle changes in Sirius. He no longer seemed so angry and his features were starting to soften. He continued to let his hair grow out, but it was much tamer. And on top of everything else, Sirius actually liked doing manual labour. He barely used magic to lift or move things. He liked building furniture with his bare hands and he'd spend hours in the garage with his shirt off, tuning up his motorcycle or furnishing wood.

Just the sight of Sirius in general made Harry hard. It was one of the reasons he'd decided to go out and start dating. He didn't want to sit around and pine over his godfather.

"Well..." Sirius drawled. "What do you do when they touch you?"

"Touch me where?" Harry asked; he was caught off-guard.

Sirius shook his head like Harry was still a little boy and turned to face him. He pressed the palm of his hand against Harry's groin and Harry jumped.

"There. What do you do when they touch you there," Sirius said. "Do you jump like that?" Sirius's tone wasn't teasing. He looked all serious and business-like, as if these were flying lessons and Sirius was his instructor.

"You caught me off guard!" Harry protested.

"Harry, don't tell me you've never been touched-"

"It's not like I've never been with anyone before or anything," Harry said. He wasn't a virgin and he didn't want Sirius to pity him.

"Okay...tell me about it." There was so teasing or malice; Sirius sounded genuinely curious.

"At Hogwarts," Harry whispered while he looked down; he was afraid of meeting Sirius's eyes. Sirius placed a finger on Harry's chin and lifted his face up. "In the dorms..." Harry added, almost stuttering. "Some of the boys...we touched each other."

"And you still dated girls after that?" Sirius asked, an eyebrow raised. Still, there was no judgement in his voice. Although he did sound a bit amused.

"We all did. It was all just an experiment, yeah? I mean Dean dated Ginny before me and what he did with Seamus was just-"

"But now they're together," Sirius said.

"Yeah. I guess. But the other boys-"

"And Ron?"

"Ron was never interested."

Sirius smiled down at him and Harry felt so stupid. He wanted to get up off the sofa, run to his room and lock himself there. But, Sirius's hand was on his knee and his thumb was gently caressing him and Harry could not move.

"Will you teach me?" Harry said, looking up expectant.

"Sure," Sirius said calmly. Harry was excited at the possibility but he was surprised that Sirius wasn't disgusted, appalled, or angry with him. Sirius wanted to teach him.

But what did that mean?

Sirius licked his lips and Harry saw his pupils almost dilated. He wanted Harry. Still, he didn't make a move. Maybe Sirius was hesitant. He could have the desire but surely the moral imperatives of being Harry's godfather were holding him back.

"Now?" Harry said.

"Is that what you want?" Sirius asked; for the first time he sounded so unsure of himself.

"I- I really need the help, Sirius," Harry said and edged himself just slightly closer to Sirius. "You know, you'd be doing me a huge favour. I don't have anyone else to turn to."

Sirius took a very long time before he made a move. A very long time. He looked into Harry's eyes again and it was as though he was asking for permission again.

Harry nodded and waited for Sirius to reply; to do something. Sirius slid off the sofa and onto the floor as he turned Harry around to face him, and spread his legs. His hands rested on Harry's knees, before they slid up his thighs while he gently squeezed them.

Harry gave a small shudder.

"Relax," Sirius said. "If you want to seem experienced, then you have to practice being more confident. Unperturbed." Sirius was calm. His eyes were dark with lust, Harry was just waiting for Sirius to touch him again.

"Easy for you to say, you're about to touch my cock," Harry answered, almost laughing.

"Look at me," Sirius said and Harry realised that his eyes were fixated on Sirius's hands. He did what he was told and locked his gaze with Sirius. Sirius's hands kept moving up. "Just look at me." The last bit was almost a plea and Harry nearly lost it right then. The wild look Sirius gave him was nearly impossible to describe.

Harry nodded and he bit his lower lip as he felt a thumb rub up against his groin again, before Sirius's nails scraped against the denim. Harry released a small whimper. He wanted nothing more than to open the buttons of his jeans and pull them down for better access.

It was as if Sirius had read his mind and his hands moved up to unbutton them.

"Will you..." Harry felt shy again and he couldn't bring himself to ask the question. To ask for what he wanted since he'd first started to lust after Sirius.

Sirius's hand released the jeans and moved up. He brushed his thumb against Harry's lips before he cupped the back of Harry's neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Harry wondered how Sirius knew that was what he'd wanted. Though maybe it was because the whole time he was supposed to be meeting Sirius's gaze, his eyes had been constantly falling on Sirius's lips. But he wasn't the only one. He'd noticed Sirius's eyes flicking to his own lips just as often. Pressing into the kiss, Harry bit Sirius's lip, and Sirius licked his in return.

When they broke apart, Harry was panting against Sirius's neck. "Touch me more."

Sirius moved up onto the sofa next to Harry, and he pulled off Harry's jeans. He left Harry's pants on and Harry didn't protest. Clearly Sirius knew what he was doing. Harry wanted Sirius to touch him, to mould him like he did when he was working on the wood furniture in the garage or when he was tuning up his bike. Sirius had that look of desire when he worked with his hands and now, Harry wanted to be Sirius's next masterpiece.

Sirius's hand rubbed against Harry's erection over the cotton and Harry was sure that he could feel the wet spot there.

"Let me touch you, too," Harry breathed into Sirius's skin. They were wearing far too many clothes for Harry's liking. "I want to learn how to pleasure you...Erm, the other blokes."

He felt Sirius smile against him before Sirius guided Harry's hands down to his trousers. Harry pushed Sirius back on the sofa and pulled down Sirius's trousers and pants. He wanted to touch as much of Sirius as he could. When Sirius didn't look like he was going to protest, Harry removed his own clothes and watched as Sirius took his own shirt off.

Gods, he was more beautiful than Harry had even imagined. He was cut in the right places, his skin glowed, and everything about him was sexy as hell. He was such a man, and Harry loved that.

"Come here," Sirius said and pulled him into an embrace.

Their erections brushed against each other and Harry involuntarily thrust up to increase the friction. At the look of pure pleasure on Sirius's face, Harry did it again. Sirius's hands slid behind Harry, he grabbed Harry's arse, and started to knead it.

Harry let out a whiny sound he didn't know was hiding in the back of his throat and buried his face into Sirius's shoulder.

Everything about this moment was perfect. Sirius's naked body against his was incredible, and Harry knew that this is what he'd wanted all along. Not some hand job from an anonymous bloke behind a dingy pub, but Sirius. He'd given up on having Sirius so long ago that he'd thought he could just find some replacement and make his desire a distant memory. But this, now, right then and there, was exactly the sort of thing that proved nothing could have ever made Sirius a distant memory.

He felt something cold on his arse, a liquid of sorts dripped down his arsecheeks to his entrance, and he shivered with surprise. "Do you trust me?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded. Of course, he did. There was no one else in the world he trusted more than Sirius.

Harry felt a finger press into him and his eyes rolled back into his head as he groaned. It was weird, cold, uncomfortable, but Sirius's murmuring and his hot breath on his face, was so reassuring that Harry didn't complain. He only begged for more.

They were rubbing each other raw. Harry's hands rested on Sirius's shoulders as one of Sirius's hand slipped in-between them, stroking their erections together. His other hand was behind Harry-his fingers pushing inside him.

He was close. So, so close and he didn't want it to stop. He didn't want to come yet, but he knew he wouldn't have been able to control it.

"Sirius..." he gasped as Sirius just fucked him and fucked him and fucked him.

They came nearly in unison and Harry managed to get it together enough so that he could release Sirius's shoulder and move a hand down to place it on Sirius's prick. They finished tossing each other off and it was so different, so much better than any of the experiments Harry had ever had back at Hogwarts.

Harry all but collapsed on Sirius's chest while his fingers still pressed inside Harry. He didn't want to move. He didn't want Sirius to take them out.

"Good first lesson," Harry breathed and he felt Sirius's chest vibrate with his laughter.

"I reckon sex in the shower should be lesson number two," Harry said, after a while.

"Going for the best student in class, are we?" Sirius teased him.

He supposed they had to get up and leave but Harry didn't want to move. He'd come home exhausted and now he was exhausted for an entirely different, wonderful reason. He wished he could just fall asleep in Sirius's arms right there on the sofa.

"Come, Harry," Sirius said softly. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"Should I get my wand?" Harry asked, sleepily.

"No. I'm going to take my time with a wash cloth and some warm water," Sirius answered and picked Harry up, throwing him over his shoulder.

Sirius was always good with his hands. Harry hoped he was going to find out more on just how good.

scarstar, rating: nc-17, pairing: sirius/harry, community: hp_crossgenfest

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