ICYMI: HD in first two weeks of hp_drizzle

Sep 14, 2015 14:10

ICYMI: hp_drizzle has just finished two weeks of posting. Under the cut are all the HD FICS + ART.

Title: Heatwave
Pairing(s): Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count/Art Medium: 2070
Rating: NC-17
Summary: There is a heatwave going on and Harry has issues keeping cool.

Title: Spectres in the Fog
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco - if you squint and think of future things.
Word Count/Art Medium: 1200
Rating: G
Summary: Harry knows it is Malfoy curled up at the base of the tree in the same way that he knows he will not be walking out of this forest. They are spectres in this fog together while the world outside waits for them.

Title: The Worst Case in Auror History
Pairing(s): (pre-)Harry/Draco
Word Count: ~6600
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Arguments arise and death becomes a distinct possibility when Auror Potter and Auror Malfoy find themselves stranded on a desert.

Title: Budgets
Pairing(s):Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count/Art Medium: 2468 words
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The new budget's in, and one of Minister Potter's Department Heads does not like the new numbers.

Title: Shards Of Moonlight
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Summary: Even if I had known that shards of moonlight leave invisible scars which hurt for a lifetime, I wouldn't have forgone the one night I had with Harry.

Title: The Prank of Hogwarts
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Word Count: ~15,600
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A hurricane in the Great Hall, fog in the Hospital Wing, snow in Draco’s office-and that’s only the beginning! An end-of-year prank has gone awry, and Unspeakable Harry Potter comes to the rescue. However, he soon finds he’s the one in need of rescuing. The two former adversaries must work together to battle the forces of natures, but will they be able to survive-each other?

Title: Caffe
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Word Count/Art Medium: DIGITAL
Rating: G
Summary: During a power outage, Harry expects the barista to kick him out and close the cafe up, instead, the sexy blond brings over a candle and asks to take his order. Turns out, he's the owner of Caffe.

Also: there's two more weeks of posting left and more awesome HD things -- if I do say so myself.

about: harry/draco, about: excited dig is excited, about: fests, about: things i mod

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