Neville's Imagination [Neville/Charlie]

Jul 09, 2015 16:37

Title: Neville's Imagination
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100 x 2
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU
Challenge: "OUTRAGEOUS" for
A/N: READ PART ONE / READ PART TWO. UNBETAED. "What?" Neville's voice was high and he cringed at how unbelievably outrageous he sounded.

"Dinner, Longbottom," Charlie said, coolly. "You and me."

"We have dinner together every night." Neville knew what Charlie meant, but he still decided to play dumb.

It worked in annoying Charlie because he rolled his eyes looking exasperated. "I don't mean..." He glowered at Neville, before he opened his mouth again.

"I know your reputation," Neville said quickly before Charlie could say anything else.

"My reputation?" Charlie quirked an eyebrow.

"I'm not interested in a one-off. Not with another Professor," Neville said with as much resolve he could muster up. Really, all he wanted was for Charlie to leave so he could get back to his plants.

"Who said anything about a one-off?"

"Well, dinner. Alone. Usually leads-"

"Dinner leads to conversation, Neville. If I wanted to fuck you, trust me, you'd be against the wall already with your legs spread open for me."

Neville wasn't supposed to be turned on by that, he was supposed to be insulted. But now all he did was imagine himself against the wall with Charlie on top of him.

"I'm sorry," Charlie said, when the silence continued to linger. READ PART FOUR

community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, series: fantastic beasts, rating: pg-13

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