Neville knows where to find them [Neville/Charlie]

Jun 01, 2015 12:01

Title: Neville knows where to find them
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Neville/Charlie Weasley
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU - Hogwarts!Professors
Challenge: 306 - "Fantastic Beasts" for

Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath.

Neville had to walk by Professor Weasley's territory again; the last time he'd taken the detour through the field towards his greenhouse, the Professor had all but made Neville forget his own name.

Why did Charlie Weasley decide to teach there with a course called "Fantastic Beasts?"

Ever since that day, all Neville had done was dream about riding his own kind of beast and that was just so not on.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were avoiding me, Longbottom."

Now, Neville knew he was done for.


community: neville100, pairing: neville/charlie, series: fantastic beasts, rating: pg-13

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