"Young and Beautiful" (Harry/Draco)

Nov 21, 2013 04:33

Title: Young and Beautiful
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: 455
Rating: R
Written for: hp_humpdrabbles "Young and Beautiful"
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, this drabble is written for fun and no profit is being made.
Summary: Harry finds himself in Malfoy’s bed the next morning.
Author’s Notes: FLUFF ALERT! Continuation of last week’s Drinking In Secret. As always, all my thanks to Stephaniejo84 for her beta!

Harry woke up with a pounding headache and a very vague memory of the night before. He thought he’d dreamt it all: finding a dark cellar for hidden away Firewhisky with Malfoy, almost getting caught, and Malfoy sucking him off as the hotel employees browsed around the cellar.

He rolled over to his side and saw a man’s pale back, and the blond hair was hard to miss. He was beautiful. Harry hesitated moving, because he didn’t wish to wake Malfoy up and simply listened to Malfoy’s even breathing.

Harry remembered that they’d Apparated to Malfoy’s suite after the employees had left the cellar, and he’d come so diligently in Malfoy’s mouth. Harry’s cock hardened at the memory. They’d landed right in bed and Malfoy didn’t waste time ridding his clothes as he came in Harry’s hand; Harry gasping and panting into Malfoy’s mouth.

Harry hadn't felt as turned on as he did thinking about Malfoy in a long time. Malfoy had told him he was beautiful, he was hot; and Harry couldn’t help but wonder if Malfoy would still want him if he wasn’t so young and beautiful. If he had nothing to offer but his aching soul?

Malfoy turned around and saw Harry watching him. He smiled softly at Harry, and Harry felt his heart sink. He’d thought of nothing but his night with Malfoy, and then the man was still there and Harry wanted to hold onto him for as long as he could.

"Morning," Harry whispered hesitantly-afraid that if he made a more audible sound, the bubble that surrounded them would burst.

"You’re really here," Malfoy answered as he pulled Harry into him, and Harry nodded. "I thought I’d died and gone to heaven and they’d let you come with me."

Harry chuckled at Malfoy’s comment and kissed him as his erection glided against Malfoy’s. Malfoy made an approving sound and bit Harry’s lower lip before guiding Harry’s hand down to his own prick. "I want to watch you," Malfoy whispered and turned his gaze down to their dancing cocks.

Harry loved Malfoy’s grace; he loved Malfoy’s body. He thought of Malfoy as the sun that made Harry shine like he was made of diamonds. And in that moment, Harry knew. He knew that he’d still want Malfoy if he was no longer young and beautiful, and prayed Malfoy would want him too.

Harry came in his hands and Malfoy watched him. He moaned Malfoy’s name, closing his eyes and biting his lip; Malfoy continued to watch. Then Malfoy was on top of Harry, and soon inside him. Malfoy didn’t take his eyes off Harry as he fucked him into oblivion.

"Fuck, Potter. I didn’t think you could get more beautiful."


community: hp_humpdrabbles, series: drinking in secret, rating: r, pairing: harry/draco

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