"Drinking In Secret" (Harry/Draco)

Nov 14, 2013 04:01

Title: Drinking In Secret
Author: digthewriter
Written for: hp_humpdrabbles Prompt: Dean Thomas
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Characters: Dean, Ginny, Hermione, Pansy
Word Count: 530
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, this drabble was written for fun. No profit is being made.
Summary: Hermione thinks Harry is drinking too much at Ginny's wedding, and he finds a new drinking partner.
Notes: Totally unbetaed, and written oh so very last minute

It was Dean and Ginny’s wedding reception, and nobody had any idea why Malfoy was invited. But, he was there, and it was all everyone talked about. Or it was just the conversations Harry found himself stumbling into.

“People just need to gossip!” Hermione was annoyed. She looked over at Harry who’d managed to gulp his drink down in one shot. “I think you’ve had just about enough, Harry.”

“I’ll go get some fresh air,” Harry said and walked away from his friends before he managed to get a lecture about drinking. It was a wedding, that’s what single people did at weddings, right?

“I see you’ve got your wrist slapped on as well.” Harry startled at the cool voice of Draco Malfoy as he stood in the balcony of the lounge overlooking the Trinity village. Dean had grown up near the area and this was the only place they found that was both affordable and posh.

“I see you’re empty handed as well,” Harry answered smiling.

“Not for long. Pansy snatched my glass too but she’s unaware about the cellar.”

“The cellar?” Harry was intrigued. Malfoy grabbed Harry’s hand and pulled him towards another door in the balcony that didn’t lead to the reception hall. It led to another set of stairs that eventually took them to a dark cellar.

“How do you know so much about this place?” Harry asked, after Malfoy had managed to find two glasses and a full bottle of Firewhisky.

“Zabini’s family owns the property,” Malfoy answered refilling their glasses. “Though, I reckon they won’t appreciate finding us here.”

“Where should we go?” Harry asked, hoping Malfoy wouldn’t suggest back to the party.

Before Malfoy could answer, they heard someone struggling with the door handle Malfoy had jammed in order to avoid getting caught. “This way,” he whispered and pulled Harry towards the back of the room, casting a concealing spell on them.

Malfoy’s body was pressed on Harry’s; he was looking towards the room trying to determine whether they were hidden from the view. He kept on shifting his weight as his head moved back and forth. Harry whispered Malfoy’s name a few times but Malfoy didn’t turn to look.

“Malfoy!” Harry finally raised his voice and grabbed Malfoy by the shoulders. Malfoy looked at him startled. “Stop. Moving.” Harry’s voice returned to a whisper and Malfoy turned to face Harry, his eyes widening as he must have realised why Harry wanted Malfoy to stop.

“Oh…” Malfoy whispered softly and Harry closed his eyes banging his head back against the wall.

“Ow,” Harry said; a sharp pain on the back of his head managed to sober him up a bit.

Harry had kept his eyes closed as Malfoy reached for Harry’s hand and rubbed it against his leg, eventually trailing it up to his groin. Harry immediately looked at Malfoy who bit his lower lip and slid his hand under Harry’s trousers. Before Harry could react, Malfoy was on his knees and before he could even utter a word, his cock was in Malfoy’s mouth. The only noise that came from Harry after, were of appreciation until he was spilling himself on Malfoy’s tongue.

Read Part II: Young and Beautiful

community: hp_humpdrabbles, series: drinking in secret, rating: r, pairing: harry/draco

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