I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours [Sirius/Harry/Draco - NC-17]

Apr 04, 2015 14:37

Title: I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours
Author: digthewriter
Table Used: Chamber Of Secrets
Prompt(s) Used: From the table: (slight) dub-con, food, oral sex, hair pulling, dirty talk, wall sex (kind of), alcohol. Also this fic is written for the 2014 FEST prompt: 21 for hp_darkages
Pairing: (In no particular order) Sirius/Harry. Sirius/Draco. Harry/Draco. Sirius/Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~8700
Content: POV SWITCH & [Spoiler (click to open)][SHAMELESS PWP. AU!Sirius Lives. Unrequited Sirius/James - blink and you'll miss it. Past Remus/Sirius. Handjob. Oral sex. Rimming. Voyeurism.]
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement intended.

Author's Note: I have no idea what this is. It's probably not even very good. All my thanks to my pre-reader all_not_well who helped me out when I first started this over a month ago. I finally finished it last night. It's totally unbetaed and like I said, probably sucks. This is slightly inspired by my prompt from last year's fest: A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding. - Bob Dylan, and the title is also quoting Bob Dylan. Also: OMG my first completed (and now published) threesome fic.

Summary: Draco realises one of Harry's fantasies, and gets sucked in it, too.

"No, definitely not him!"

Draco sat across from Harry discussing it like it was a business deal. When he'd first suggested the idea, he really hadn't thought Harry would go for it, and what's more, he hadn't realised seeing Harry all hot and bothered about it would turn Draco on as much as it did.

Harry was "okay" with bringing someone new in the bedroom. His cheeks had flushed and his cock twitched in Draco's hand. He wasn't just okay with it, he was fucking whimpering with the need for it.

That was a week ago, and now, they had to decide who it was going to be. They had to make a list of what they wanted, and who was completely off the table. Whoever was brought into the conversation didn't seem to be good enough.

Draco had said no to Longbottom, Harry had said no to Pansy, and there was no way in fucking hell Draco was going to share Harry with any of the Weasleys.

"Then I guess it's not happening," Harry said, and Draco could tell he was trying to mask his disappointment.

"What about someone anonymous? A Muggle?" Draco asked, still trying to keep his hopes up. It was really incredible how desperately Draco wanted to watch Harry get fucked by someone else. Someone he wanted, too.

Harry made a face at hearing the word anonymous. The man was willing to give his arse to Charlie Weasley, but not someone who looked like him. Go figure.

"I suppose we'll keep looking," Draco said with an exasperated sigh. He was getting tired of looking; he wanted to watch.

Harry nodded and stood up off the sofa. He offered his hand to Draco, "Come on, let's go to the bedroom. We have some time before dinner, Sirius is working late."

Draco took Harry's hand but instead of getting up, he dragged Harry down on top of him. "If Sirius is working late, then why do we need to go to the bedroom?"


"Come on, Harry. Don't be such a prude." Draco knew if he teased Harry like that, then Harry would do anything to prove him otherwise.

"You know I hate it when you call me that!"

And there it was. "Then why don't you get on your knees and prove me wrong." Harry scowled at him but took off his shirt and threw it at Draco. "You're so bloody easy, Potter." He smirked.

Harry dropped to his knees and started to unbuckle Draco's belt. "Get these off," he said in a desperate tone.

Draco stood up and pushed Harry onto the chair instead. "I've changed my mind," he said and pushed his trousers down. As much as he loved getting his cock sucked on the sofa, he really hated sitting on the leather chair. His arse cheeks would get sweaty and stick to the seat and he'd feel gross all day.

Harry sank back and looked up at Draco smiling. "You want it?" Draco asked and Harry nodded, his eyes darkening with lust. "You love taking my cock in the sitting room where you entertain guests don't you? You love pretending to be proper, don’t you, Potter?" Harry nodded again and wrapped his lips around Draco's shaft.

Harry swirled his tongue around Draco's cock and Draco moaned. They'd been fighting so much about who they were going to invite into their bed that they'd almost put their own pleasure in the back seat. They’d fuck at night after either working or arguing all day, and it'd been so long when Draco and Harry actually went at it when they were alone in the house. By the time they'd be shagging, Sirius would be in the next room.

That's when Draco realised it. Why it was taking them so long to decide who it was going to be, and since he'd brought the idea up with Harry, they were only shagging at night. Draco had been so blind. So blind and so so stupid. His eyes opened as he gasped at the feeling of hitting the back of Harry's throat and he saw. He was staring right at the picture on the wall. A picture of Harry and Sirius. Sirius had placed an arm around Harry and Harry looked like he was blushing. He'd bite his lower lip, smile at the camera, then shyly look at Sirius. The scene looped around and around and to anyone else, it'd just look like a godfather and his innocent fifteen-year-old godson, but Draco knew that look in Harry's eyes. He'd seen Harry give that look to him. He was giving the same I want to ride your cock look to Sirius Black.

Fucking Black!

Fucking Black!

All this time, they could have been fucking Sirius Black.

That picture was now five years old, and Draco couldn't help but wonder if that crush was still present or if it was ancient history. He picked up the pace as he fucked Harry's mouth, Harry's hands grabbing onto Draco's arsecheeks and spreading them. Harry liked to toy with Draco's hole while he sucked his cock. Most of the time, it was Harry who begged for Draco: his fingers, his tongue, his cock, but sometimes, he liked to tease Draco, too.

If Draco wasn't careful, he was going to come. He couldn't have that, not just yet. He had to make Harry see what he was seeing. He had to make Harry realise.

"Wait," Draco said abruptly, "not yet."

"What?" Harry snapped as he released Draco from his mouth. He could really be a snappy bastard when he was horny.

"I want to come inside you," Draco said. Harry gave him a look. It wasn't odd for Draco to make such a demand, but it was odd usually when he was just about to hit the edge of his orgasm. "Come on, you'll see what I mean." He pulled back and had Harry stand up before turning him around and kneeling on the chair.

"I reckon you've been a bad boy, Potter," Draco whispered in Harry's ear and Harry whimpered. "You want to know what you did wrong?" Harry nodded frantically. Draco wrapped his hand around Harry's prick and tugged slightly. "Maybe I should just tell you your punishment?"

"Ok-okay," Harry stuttered while Draco licked his fingers and played with Harry's hole. "Punish me, please."

"Whatever you do..." Draco drawled as he pushed two fingers in while his other hand stroked Harry's cock, "...you can't close your eyes. Keep your eyes open the entire time. Okay?"

"Okay," Harry said and he immediately closed his eyes.

Draco let go of Harry's prick and grabbed a fistful of his hair. "You're not paying attention, Potter," he snapped and pulled hard. He didn't use much force when they were together. It was mostly just talk and he knew Harry just got off on that.

"Sorry!" Harry whined and started to stroke himself as Draco pulled Harry's hair and fucked him with his fingers. He himself has been so close to coming and he wanted to take his time; wanted to make sure that Harry saw.

"Hold on to the back of the chair tightly now," Draco instructed before he removed his fingers and lined his cock against Harry's hole. "Remember what I told you."

Harry nodded and as Draco entered him, he made sure to watch Harry, and Harry kept his agreement and didn't close his eyes. They were quiet for a while, the only sound in the room was the slapping of skin against skin and the slick, slippery sound of Draco's hand on Harry's cock.

"You feel so good, Harry," Draco said and he could feel Harry smile.

"Yeah?" Harry asked.

"You're going to feel this good to him, too," Draco said and he felt Harry slightly tense under him. "Aren't you? Aren't you going to love it when he fucks you like this? Don't you want that, Harry? Don't you want me to watch while you take him?"

Draco watched as Harry still didn't close his eyes and he was looking right at that picture. That picture that Draco had seen when he'd realised. Harry realised it too, now.

"That's it. Imagine him. You want him."

Harry moaned. His hands gripped the chair tightly as he bucked his hips, fucking Draco's hand as Draco fucked him into the chair.

"That's it. Take it. Take it, Harry."

Harry moaned louder, his eyes still hadn't closed, and he parted his lips to release a breath and spoke, "I'm gonna-"

"Say it." Draco thrust harder. "Say it, Harry. Say it as you come!" Draco was spilling inside Harry and Harry's head finally hung low as he spurted into Draco's hand and on the leather.


Ten minutes later, they were cleaned up and sitting across each other again.

"How did you know?" Harry asked, looking slightly scared, slightly confused.

"I didn't," Draco said, then a few seconds later, added, "and at the same time, I always did."

"I don't understand," Harry said.

"You still live here. We've been together for almost two years and you won't even discuss moving in with me."

"That's because I just thought we might be moving too fast..."

Draco nodded. Up until an hour ago, he would have believed that, but not anymore. He wasn't angry though. He couldn't be angry at Harry. He loved him and would do anything for him. He'd started to feel like maybe Harry was getting bored with him and that's why he'd suggested the idea of bringing someone new in for fun. Now he also knew why they couldn't settle on someone that was good enough for Harry.

"I love you. I want to be with you," Harry said, as if he'd read the doubt on Draco's face.

"I know. But tell me something," Draco said and Harry nodded in agreement. "When you and I are in bed together, you like that he's in the next room."

Harry didn't say anything for a very long time. "That doesn't mean- I don't imagine-"

"I know. But you like knowing. It's almost like he's there with us."

Harry was quiet again. "It's just..." He sighed and leaned back in the chair. The chair where Draco had just fucked him. "His presence just provides me with a comfort. I can't explain it. I don't think about him when I'm with you. It's you and me when we're together..."

"And when we're not together?" Draco asked and Harry flushed slightly; the biting of the lower lip, the uncertainty as he ran a hand through his hair, the same look from the picture was back. "You wank thinking about him?"


"I'm not angry," Draco said in an assuring voice. "I'm not, I promise you. I can't tell you who you can and can't fantasize about."

"You? What do you fantasize about?"

"You mean besides fucking your mouth on nights when we're not together?" Draco asked; he did mostly think about fucking Harry. All he did was think about Harry's perfect mouth, his arse, and the way he liked taking him in the shower. But that wasn't what he always thought about.

"Yeah," Harry said, his gaze sharp at Draco. "You're the one who introduced the idea of bringing someone else with us, you can't say you don't beat off to the idea of someone else."

"Women," Draco said without hesitation. Harry looked slightly surprised. "I told you that I'm bisexual. I've had sex with women before you and I got together. I don't prefer them, I prefer...well I prefer you, but I think about them sometimes."

"Anyone in particular?"

"No. Not really," Draco replied. "They're tender, almost like fine china. Being with a woman is different than being with a man. For me, at least. I can't be rough like I am with you. I've never been afraid of breaking you, you know?" Draco felt like he was going into dangerous territory but Harry didn't seem upset or disgusted. He knew Harry was one hundred percent gay. He'd kissed women, but he'd only had sex with men and favoured it so.

"Anyway, so I think about women when I'm alone sometimes, but I wouldn't want to go back to being with one. I want to be with you."

"And I want to be with you," Harry said.

"Except Sirius."

Harry scowled.

"It's okay, you can say it. If I give you the choice, you'd want it to be him."

"What makes you think he'd want me? Or us?"

Harry had a fair point. "We won't know unless we try."

Harry's eyes widened and his lips parted. He seemed lost for words for a long while. "You-you want to try?"

Draco raised his eyebrow. "Would you stop me?"

Harry didn't answer, but he didn't need to answer. The look in his eyes told Draco everything.

Right at that moment, the Floo roared and Sirius walked through into the sitting room.

Harry watched as Draco sat across from him at the dining table. Draco's eyes flickering from Sirius to Harry constantly was driving Harry mad. He couldn't believe Draco had finally figured it out. He'd never been more mortified in his life before. Not even when Ron had once caught him wanking in his bedroom as he looked out the window and watched Charlie and Bill wrestling in the garden at the Burrow.

It was one thing to have a crush on your godfather, and it was an entirely different thing to have your boyfriend not only find that out, but offer to seduce him. He was glad at least it wasn't Harry who was tasked with seducing Sirius, he knew he'd fail miserably, and if Draco failed too, then that would be on him and not Harry. The last thing he wanted was for Sirius to freak out and kick Harry out of the house.

But how would that work with Draco coming over all the time?

"How's business, Sirius?" Draco asked and Harry nearly choked on his soup. In the past, Draco had often referred to Sirius's work as mundane and uninspiring.

"Same," Sirius answered sounding confused. Harry was sure it was because this was the first time Draco had started a conversation with Sirius. Usually, for Harry to get Sirius and Draco to talk was like pulling teeth.

"Do you sell a lot of flying motorcycles in the winter time?" Draco asked, sounding more and more interested. Harry just shook his head, suppressing a snort.

Draco glared at Harry but Sirius didn't seem to notice. "Not really," he said, concentrating on his lamb chop. "I mostly just work on the engines in the winter time. We get some inquiries but it's mostly kids looking to have some fun."

"Kids?" Draco asked.

"Yeah. Your age," Sirius said and Harry could see Draco trying not to scowl. "Just a few years out of Hogwarts and they want to sign up for lessons when the weather gets better. I reckon they just want to enjoy their freedom before they decide on a career."

"I already have a career," Draco snapped and Harry tried to warn him to stay calm.

"I didn't say they were like you. I said they were your age." Sirius's eyebrows furrowed with frustration. "Don't get your pureblood knickers in a twist, Malfoy. Not everyone has a tight-arsed father like yours."

"My father-"

"Draco," Harry whispered and reached across the table to hold Draco's hand. "Not now."

Harry's eyes flickered towards Sirius when he cleared his throat. Sirius was staring at Harry's thumb that was gently rubbing Draco's hand. He quickly turned to look at Draco but Draco's head was bowed and he was staring at his plate of food.

"Sirius..." Harry spoke softly.

Sirius looked up from their joined hands and smiled at Harry before he nodded and looked at Draco. "Sorry about that, Draco. I know I shouldn't insult you or your family like that. I'm glad I have Harry here to keep me in check." He turned to Harry and winked before standing up and taking his plate of food to the sink.

"I'll get on the dishes, you boys finish your food," Sirius said as he ran the water over the dishes and scrubbed one of the pans.

"Let me, Sirius." Harry stood up off his chair with his pile of dishes and walked up next to him. He placed the dishes in the sink and then placed his hand on the small of Sirius's back, gently rubbing it in small circles. "Why don't you go and relax on the sofa. Draco and I were off today, we'll finish up. You did the cooking, remember?"

Harry smiled softly at Sirius and when Sirius nodded at him, Harry's hand moved from his lower back to Sirius's shoulder and he squeezed it gently. Harry didn't take his eyes off Sirius when he spoke again. "What do you think, Draco?" Harry rubbed his thumb gently where he met the bit of Sirius's skin, just below his neck.

Sirius's eyebrow quirked up with interest but he didn't look away, either.

There was a long pause and no one said anything. Harry refused to look away from Sirius, Sirius just gazed at Harry with puzzlement and Draco, Harry reckoned, was just either stunned into silence with horror or shock that Harry was succeeding where Draco had botched up.

Draco cleared his throat. "Right. I'll help you, Harry."

Harry released Sirius's shoulder and Sirius walked away from them and left the kitchen.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" Draco snapped.

"I thought you were going to lure him in, not start an argument!" Harry whispered his reply.

"So you think you can do a better job?"

Harry shook his head and pulled Draco in for a kiss. "Why do we always end up arguing when we both want the same thing?" he asked softly, when they'd pulled apart. "We can do it together."

Draco nodded. "Do you really need help doing the dishes?" The disinterest towards doing the task wasn't hard to miss.

"No, you git. Why don't you go and relax on the sofa, too."

Draco kissed Harry's cheek and left the kitchen. Harry wondered how long it'd be until Draco would come stalking back into the kitchen and tell him that he'd had yet another argument with Sirius. It was really hard to leave the two of them alone and not have to play the peacemaker constantly.

By the time Harry finished off the dishes and cleaned up the whole kitchen, it'd been twenty minutes and Draco hadn't come storming back. He hoped the two of them hadn't either killed each other, or Sirius hadn't chased Draco away and secured the wards.

He went off to investigate.

Both Harry and the Malfoy boy were acting peculiar. It wasn't like this was the first time Sirius had come home and realised they'd shagged on the sofa, again. He could practically smell the sex off them in the sitting room when he'd arrived. Still, like always, Sirius had chosen to ignore the flushed cheeks, the rumpled clothing, and the pain in the pit of his stomach at seeing Harry with him. Draco was Harry's boyfriend, and he had to be okay with that. What other option did he have?

Draco was Harry's age, he'd saved Harry's life during the war, and Sirius owed him everything. Now he was fucking Harry, nearly every night, in the room right next to Sirius's and Sirius just had to learn to live with it.

Sure, Sirius could have placed a Silencing Charm and not heard the bed creak, heard Malfoy's moans as he came, but then he wouldn't be able to hear Harry, either. And Harry? He just made the most beautiful sounds when he came. That boy had a mouth on him, too. Merlin, the things he'd say; the ways he'd want Malfoy to fuck him, and on and on. It was the most exquisite form of torture.

And now? Now Harry had touched him, soft and intimate, and then had sent Sirius to relax. On the sofa, Sirius still felt the phantom touch of Harry’s hands on his skin. The feeling lingered on him and Sirius was struggling to erase it from his memory. How in the bloody hell was Sirius going to relax now? He should have just excused himself and locked himself up in his bedroom, placed a Silencing Charm, and rubbed himself raw.

He was a bloody pervert. To want his godson like that? If Remus were there, he'd tease Sirius to no end and then set him straight. Remus would also probably take Polyjuice and let Sirius have some fun, too.

There was a special kind of hell for people like Sirius, he was sure. Something even worse than Azkaban!

"Something troubling you?" Malfoy asked as he walked into the room. Draco. You've got to start thinking of him as Draco.

"Just tired," Sirius replied and settled back into the sofa. He tipped his head back and closed his eyes. "Long day."

"Anything I can do to help?" Draco's voice was peculiar. Was he being kind? He didn't sound like he was being kind. Maybe Sirius had just never heard him be kind before and thought it as unusual.

"Like what?" Sirius asked, opening his eyes.

"Perhaps a massage?" Draco said.

"A massage?" Sirius grimaced. What was the boy on?

"Yeah. Harry says I give the best massages."

"Does Harry have a lot of experience from other masseurs?"

Draco laughed. "Do you?"

"Only Remus," Sirius said and snorted, thinking of a very different kind of massage. His heart immediately ached at the loss of his lover.

"Shall I try, then?" Draco asked, ignoring or not realising Sirius's reaction. The boy definitely had an agenda.

"Suit yourself," Sirius said; he straightened up as Draco walked around the sofa and stood behind Sirius.

"Relax," Draco murmured in Sirius's ear. He placed his hands firmly on Sirius's shoulder and squeezed.

"Will everyone just quit telling me to relax?" Sirius growled.

"Well, if you won't, then you can't enjoy this." Draco squeezed harder and moved his hands tightly, kneading the tension in Sirius's shoulder that Sirius hadn't realised was there.

Sirius groaned lowly and his head fell forward. "Bloody..."

"That's it," Draco whispered, kneading harder. "Just let it out. Tell me how you like it." Draco's voice was borderline sensual. Sirius snapped his eyes open when he realised two things. First, he feared Draco might have been trying to seduce him. But if he was...then what about Harry? And secondly, it was bloody working. Sirius was getting hard with Draco's touch and his low voice.

"Draco..." Sirius huffed, unable to get his voice to cooperate.

"Yeah?" Draco asked, leaning in again, his warm breath brushing over Sirius's skin. "Do you want more, Sirius?"

There was a soft bustling noise but Draco didn't stop. Sirius looked up and saw Harry leaning in the archway that led to the kitchen, arms crossed in front of him, and his mouth slightly parted. Sirius panicked, worried his erection was visible through his trousers, horrified he'd let his guard down and allowed his godson's boyfriend to entice him like that. He was about to say something, tell Malfoy to stop, tell Harry this wasn't what it looked like when Malfoy spoke.

"Come here, Harry. Feel how tense Sirius is."

Harry showed reluctance for a mere second before he walked over to them and sat on the coffee table in front of Sirius. "Are you..." Harry paused briefly as he studied Sirius's face, "tense?"

"Look at how stiff he is in his trousers," Draco commented and Sirius wanted to slap the boy. "Aren't you, Sirius?" Draco's hot breath breezed over Sirius's skin again. "Don't you want Harry to take care of that for you?"

This was insane. Sirius wasn't sure if he was awake or dreaming. He was hesitant but he'd just realised that he was being offered exactly what he wanted and there was no real reason for him to say no.

Sirius rested back into the sofa and casually parted his legs. Harry's eyes widened and then they lowered towards Sirius' groin. "Do you want to take care of it, Harry?" Sirius all but breathed the words.

Harry licked his lips and looked at Draco and his expression changed from lustful to a boyish grin. Sirius reckoned Draco approved.

Harry slid to his knees. He unbuttoned Sirius's trousers, pulled the zipper down and struggled through his pants to let Sirius's cock free.

"Fuck me," Draco breathed from above him. His hands were still on Sirius's shoulders but they'd stopped moving; he was watching Harry intently.

"Put it in your mouth, Harry," Draco commanded.

Harry shot him a look of what the fuck do you think I'm going to do with it, before he smiled and took it in.

"Harry..." Sirius panted; Harry's mouth was suckling at Sirius's cock with wet abandon. Harry raised one hand and took a hold of Sirius's wrist; he pushed Sirius's fingers into his hair as if he wanted Sirius to push Harry's face down more onto his groin.

"Take it. Make him take it," Draco said from above Sirius. His one hand had disappeared off Sirius's shoulder and Sirius realised Draco was rubbing his cock through his trousers.

"Wait. Not like this," Sirius said, jolting back into reality. This was happening way too fast and it was all wrong! "Harry, stop."

Harry released Sirius's cock and looked up at him; confusion, disappointment, and something that looked like longing, in his eyes. "Draco, come around. Let me see you."

Draco walked around the sofa and stood next to them as Harry was still on his knees.

"Not like this," Sirius said again.

Sirius bent down and placed his index finger on Harry's chin. He lifted his head up just a little bit more and then kissed Harry. Harry gasped briefly before he kissed Sirius back and then parted his mouth to allow Sirius's tongue to enter. Sirius swirled his tongue inside Harry's mouth and as Harry sucked on it, he moaned again. God, Sirius could die listening to Harry make sounds like that.

When they pulled apart, Sirius smiled at Harry. "Good boy." Harry bit his lower lip and turned to look at Draco. Draco just stood there, staring at the both of them and Sirius was concerned that he might throw a fit and storm out or tell them to stop and take Harry away.

"Come here, Draco," Harry said, still kneeling on the ground near Sirius and offered his hand to Draco.

Draco took it and knelt down beside him. "Do you want to kiss him too?" Harry asked, and Draco nodded, not taking his eyes off Sirius.

Sirius smirked and pulled Draco. Draco's kiss was more desperate, yet more confident. He wasn't afraid of crossing the line. He wasn't afraid of Sirius. Of losing Sirius. Harry was worried about that, and in so many ways, so much more innocent than Draco. Draco nibbled, and sucked, and commanded. Harry liked to be taken. Sirius could tell why Harry liked Draco so much.

Draco knew what he was doing, what they were doing was for Harry. Harry wanted to be with Sirius. He wanted Draco there with Sirius. That's how it'd started out for Draco, but after just one taste of the man, now Draco was hungry, too.

It wasn't that he didn't want Harry to have him, but he too now was longing for him. How was that even possible?

After Sirius kissed Draco, he turned and kissed Harry again. They stayed there, Harry and Draco knelt on the floor, Sirius on the sofa, and they kissed and kissed and kissed. Taking turns, mouths, lips, tongues, and hands everywhere.

Sirius tasted so different from Harry. Harry often reminded Draco of wine and cherries. Sirius tasted like dark chocolate and cigarettes. A combination Draco never thought he'd find sexy.

Then Draco pushed Sirius back and climbed into his lap. Harry crowded close behind Draco, resting his chin on Draco's shoulder. Draco loved feeling the warmth of Harry's body on him as he took Sirius's cock in his hand and started to stroke. Sirius tilted his head back and moaned. Harry grabbed Draco's shoulders, squeezed them hard, and whispered in Draco's ear. "Faster, Draco. I know you can do it faster."

Harry's hands travelled down Draco's body and unbuckled his belt and undid his zipper again, like he had earlier that evening on the leather chair. "Show me how much you like it," Harry said.

Draco edged closer to Sirius, his left hand resting on Sirius's shoulder as he continued to stroke the man. Harry wrapped himself around Draco, as close as he could get with them still fully clothed, and tugged at Draco's cock, matching his rhythm to the one Draco used on Sirius. Sirius's hands rested on Draco's hips, his nails dug into Draco's skin and he thrust up.

When Draco looked up from his hand on Sirius's cock to Sirius's face, he realised that Sirius was looking at Harry and Harry was looking back at Sirius as he was tugging on Draco's cock.

It was ridiculous, really. Who the hell was fucking whom? Draco had no idea.

Sirius came first, spurting all over Draco's hand, and Draco quickly followed. They were all fully dressed and come splattered everywhere, ruining their clothes. Harry collapsed on the sofa next to Sirius as Draco stayed in Sirius's lap. He was breathing heavily and the git hadn't even come yet.

"What about you?" Sirius asked, his hand wrapped around Harry's shoulders as he pulled him in and kissed the top of his head.

Harry shrugged. "Watching the two of you like that...that was bloody brilliant," was all Harry said.

Draco grabbed Harry by the back of his neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Sirius's other hand that was still on Draco's thigh squeezed him tightly. "Take us upstairs, Potter," Draco said and rested his head on Sirius's chest. He didn't care that Sirius's shirt had his come splashed all over.

Harry smiled and tightened his hold on both Draco and Sirius before he Apparated them upstairs. They landed on Sirius's bed. Or so Draco assumed because it sure wasn't Harry's bedroom.

"Is this okay?" Harry asked, glancing between Draco and Sirius to seek their approval.

"Of course," Sirius said.

"It'll do," Draco said, attempting to seem nonchalant. Why? He didn't know.

Harry shook his head and pushed Draco away as he started to remove his clothes. Draco followed suit. He needed to get out of the sticky, sweaty clothes, anyway. Sirius lay on his side using his elbow for support and his head resting on his hand. He just watched them.

"You're going to stay dressed, then?" Draco asked.

"I figured I've heard the two of you, now I might as well watch, too," Sirius answered with a smirk and made no move to undress.

Draco shrugged and pushed Harry onto Sirius's bed. He settled himself between Harry's legs before he lowered his mouth and enveloped Harry's cock. Harry arched up moaning, and when Draco looked up, Sirius's hand was in Harry's hair, and he was kissing Harry's neck.

Draco tried to watch as much as he could but eventually closed his eyes and concentrated on the task. Sometimes, Harry's moans were muffled, and he heard wet, smacking sounds; he determined that those were the times Sirius was kissing Harry.

Draco picked up the pace. His hand squeezed the base of Harry's cock and his head bobbed up and down. He was so hungry and wet.

"Draco..." was all the warning he received before Harry came in Draco's mouth. He felt a strong hand in his hair, a foreign but welcome feeling. Sirius was massaging his scalp and neck as Draco sucked and licked Harry dry.

When he looked up, he saw two sets of eyes, gleaming at him. As Draco reached up to kiss Harry, Sirius tugged at him and kissed him. Hard. Then Sirius moaned around Draco's tongue, probably from tasting Harry for the first time.

"Fuck, that's brilliant," Harry muttered. "I can't believe we waited so long to do this."

Draco felt Harry wrap his body around him again and he was sandwiched between the men as he slowly drifted off. If he had had more energy, he would have had Harry in the middle. This was all for Harry, after all, but also the fact that both the men wanted Draco this way also comforted him a bit. He allowed sleep to take over him, and decided that next time, Harry could be in the middle.

Harry woke up in the middle of the night almost forgetting where he was. He felt a hand grip to him tightly and thought that it was Draco having another nightmare; when he turned around to see something that was quite the opposite.

Draco reached for Harry. He was on his side with Sirius behind him. Sirius wasn't just behind Draco. He was inside Draco. Draco met Harry's eyes and he seemed worried. Harry realised that it must have been because of the confused look he probably had on his face so Harry smiled.

"Is it good?" Harry whispered as he edged himself closer to Draco, brushing his hand over Draco's leaking erection. "He must be good if he's making you wet like that."

"Harry?" Sirius panted from behind Draco. His right arm snaked around Draco's chest and his left was clutching Draco's hip as Sirius pushed in and out of him.

"I'm here, Sirius," Harry said, running his hand over Draco's face. "Isn't he perfect?"

"So...so good," Sirius breathed. "So tight." Then Sirius groaned and he draped over Draco, his body going limp.

Draco swayed his hips back and forth, and Harry knew what he was doing; he was milking Sirius up until the last drop. Draco did that with him, too-the few times that Harry did manage to fuck Draco. He loved it when Draco did that. It was hot watching him do that to someone else. To Sirius.

Harry kissed Draco softly. His body pressed against Draco, their erections brushing against each other's and when Draco let out a whimper, Harry's entire body shuddered.

"Touch us, Sirius," Harry implored.

Harry buried his face in Draco's neck as Sirius's hand grabbed a hold of both of them and started to stroke. "My boys," he said, his voice muffled by the fact that his face was in Draco's hair. "So good."

"You're not angry with me?" Draco's voice was a mere whisper in the silence of the room where the only sound was the slickness of Sirius's hands rubbing them off. "About-"

Harry reached down and squeezed Draco's balls gently. Draco loved that. "Of course not," Harry said. "What's mine is yours. I'm just jealous I missed the beginning. How it started. How he stretched you open, pushed in..."

Draco moaned and Harry kissed him again. He came first and Harry wasn't far behind. It felt so good to be there with Draco and Sirius. This was his wildest dreams come true. Harry had wanted Sirius for such a long time, he couldn't even have pointed out the moment he'd realised it. It was as if he'd been asleep and Sirius coming into his life was the moment he'd woken up.

Then there was Draco.

Harry knew he was in love with Draco. What he had with Sirius was an infatuation, he could have lived without it becoming a reality, but he could never live without Draco. Draco was forever his.

"We'll share each other," Harry said, kissing Draco's cheek, his neck, his shoulder. "Won't we, Sirius?"

"Of course," Sirius replied. "I've got you both here now. I can't let that go." He kissed Draco's shoulder first, and then he reached over, pulling Harry in for a kiss, too.

"I'm yours just as surely as you are mine," Sirius said, and they all fell asleep again.

When he woke up in the morning, Harry found himself alone with Draco in Sirius's bed. Draco's arm was snaked around Harry's waist so Harry didn't move. He watched Draco sleeping for a few moments until Draco smiled and opened his eyes.

"You know I can always feel you, right?" Draco said, sleepily.

"I just love watching you." Harry smirked and raked Draco's hair with his hand.

"He woke up before us and went downstairs, I think," Draco said.

"Hmm," Harry said and kissed Draco's shoulder. He wanted to know what Sirius was doing but he didn't want to leave Draco like this and upset him.

"Go," Draco whispered.

"What?" Harry said. Was he really that obvious?

"You want to know what he's doing and I want to sleep. If I don't tell you to go, you'll just stay there, fidget around, and I won't get rest." Draco rolled his eyes trying to stress his point and Harry scowled at him.

"I know you want to and it's okay with me. I thought after what happened last night when you were sleeping-"

"I'm not upset about that at all," Harry said.

"You want me to spell it out for you?" Draco asked closing his eyes, and he pulled on the covers.

"Suppose I want you to say it," Harry replied.

"You want him to fuck you. You've always wanted that. You can have him now. I won't be there, so let him bend you over the kitchen counter and come inside you. Make him suck your cock. Do whatever the fuck you want with him; he'll let you do it."

Harry's cock stirred at Draco's words and an arousing chill went up and down his body. "Draco..." Harry pushed his erection against Draco's thigh.

"Fucking get out of here, Potter," Draco said and all but pushed Harry off the bed. "Black's bed is softer than yours. Let me enjoy it for a bit more." He turned around and his back was now facing Harry.

Harry took his cue to leave and went downstairs; he found Sirius in the kitchen, making breakfast.

“Why did you leave?” he asked when Sirius turned around and grinned at him.

“I just couldn’t sleep,” Sirius answered. “So I figured I’d make you boys some breakfast.”

“Do you need help?” Harry said.

“Sure, you can start cutting the tomatoes.”

Harry grabbed the chopping board and the knife. He was so nervous. All of a sudden, being alone in the kitchen with Sirius was nerve-wracking and they were like this all the time. Everything had changed yesterday. And he was so afraid of it all blowing up in his face.

Sirius must have noticed Harry’s anxiety and he came around and gently rubbed Harry’s shoulder.

Sirius leaned in closer and whispered in Harry’s ear. “You’re so amazing, Harry.” His hot breath left Harry shivering and wanting more.

When Sirius had woken up, he was sweaty and sticky. He shifted in bed and remembered the two of them next him. They were entwined in each other and Sirius had hard time recognising whose limb belonged to whom.

As quietly as possible, he got out of bed and made his way to the shower. Ten minutes later, after he'd dressed, Sirius Apparated downstairs because he didn't want to wake them up. The image of the two of them, tangled up and in his bed was a powerful sight and he wanted their presence there for as long as possible.

He had finished up with the beans and toast and was almost ready to make the omelettes when Harry had arrived. His half-sleepy look, messy hair, and wrinkled t-shirt reminded Sirius of James so much, except, when he looked into Harry's eyes, Sirius saw the want now that he'd never seen from James. He couldn't believe that the look Harry used to give him was lust and Sirius had been so blind.

Still, he wouldn't have done anything about it because Harry was with Draco, and now, he could have them both.

"Need some help?" Harry asked biting his lower lip and Sirius wanted to push him up against that wall and take him right there.

He gave Harry a mundane task so he wouldn't have to think about it too much. With Harry's back turned towards Sirius, Sirius took a good look at his godson. He just wanted to pull those trousers down, drop on his knees and kiss and lick Harry everywhere.

He saw Harry tense up and Sirius was quick to jump on his feet with his hands on Harry's shoulders, massaging him. Sirius lowered his head, his mouth on Harry's ear and he breathed in and out, deep. "You're so amazing, Harry," he said and Harry's hand shook before he released the knife that he was using to chop the tomatoes.

Harry whimpered. "Siri-"

Sirius's hand snaked around Harry's waist and down his trousers where he grabbed Harry's erection. He bit Harry's ear gently before he asked him. "What do you want, my Harry?"

Harry gulped, closed his eyes, and tilted his head back so Sirius could bite on his neck. "Suck me," Harry whispered, as if he wasn't sure if he was saying it right. "Then, I want you inside me..." That part he sounded sure of.

Sirius didn't hesitate. He didn't say anything, either. He simply turned Harry around and dropped to his knees. Before he took Harry's cock in his mouth, he looked up and caught Harry's gaze. His pupils were blown wide and his mouth was slightly parted. "I want you to tell me how it feels, okay? Tell me how you want it."

Harry nodded vigorously. "Yeah. Okay. Sure."

Sirius gave him a smirk and then licked the head of Harry's cock and Harry didn't waste time before his fingers started raking through Sirius's hair; and he groaned.

"Want you. Fuck," he whispered and his hips bucked as Sirius grasped the base of his cock and sucked harder. Harry groaned again, this time it was louder. Sirius had heard him moan like that when he was in his room with Draco. He wondered if Harry had wanted him to hear it and now if Harry had wanted Draco to hear it.

"More. Yeah. Right there," Harry said when Sirius released his cock, cupped his balls, and then started to suck at the base.

"Your tongue. Sirius. Your tongue! Do that thing with your tongue!" Harry begged; he started to jerk his hips faster and then pulled on Sirius's hair like he wanted to guide him to where he wanted Sirius' mouth to go.

Loving the way Harry was taking charge, Sirius didn't stop until Harry was coming hot and salty in his mouth. Whimpering and begging for Sirius to never stop.

Before Harry could collapse on him, Sirius turned Harry around and instructed him to hold onto the counter. "Take off your shirt," Sirius said and Harry removed his t-shirt and threw it on the floor.

They didn't have lube, and Sirius didn't really want to use kitchen oil so he did the next best thing he thought of. He stretched Harry with his tongue. Harry gasped with surprise but not so much that told Sirius that he'd had this done to him before. A small pang of jealousy ran through Sirius and he fucked Harry harsher with his tongue until Harry was begging again. This time, for his cock.

"What do you want, Harry?" Sirius asked as he stood up and breathed into Harry's ear again.

"You," Harry breathed. "Fucking. Me." Harry pushed back and tilted his head so his lips could meet Sirius's. Sirius unbuttoned his trousers and pushed them down.

Then Harry spoke again. "Fuck me like you fucked Draco last night. Fuck me harder."

Now it was Sirius's turn to groan as he lined the head of his cock against Harry's entrance and pushed in. Harry's body went rigid for a moment before he relaxed.

"Am I hurting you?" Sirius asked, worried. When Harry didn't respond, Sirius started to withdraw. Harry shook his head.

"No. Don't," he said. "Feels good."

"Don't scare me like that," Sirius said.

"Just..." Harry pushed back. "Trying to take it all in. Feeling you inside me for the first time."

Sirius's fingers tightened on Harry's hips. He withdrew slowly, achingly slowly that he had to make himself do it. Then Sirius slammed hard into Harry again and again. "I knew you'd feel this good."

"Did Draco feel good?" Harry asked, almost in a whisper that Sirius almost hadn't heard him.


"Tell me," Harry whined.

"Yeah. He felt good," Sirius said. He had. Fucking Draco was a complete surprise the night before. Draco had woke him up by stroking him and then he'd reached back and stretched himself open before he made Sirius push one of his fingers inside him.

Sirius continued pounding into Harry as he wrapped his hand around Harry's cock again and started tugging. "You feel good," Sirius said. "Draco's tighter than you. You like getting fucked, Harry?"

Harry nodded as he swayed his hips, shifting around Sirius's cock. "Feels good."

Sirius knew he wasn't going to last long, but he didn't want to come just yet. Not like that. "Wait," he said and pulled out of Harry. Harry whined in disappointment but Sirius didn't explain. He pulled Harry away from the counter and out of the kitchen. He sat on the sofa, the same spot he'd sat on the day before and pulled Harry on top of him. "Ride me."

Harry grinned and obliged. He sank down slowly on Sirius's cock, his head lolled back, his eyes closed, and his mouth slightly open. When he was settled completely, he bit his lower lip and started to move.

Sirius thrust up, matching Harry's rhythm. "Don't stop until you come this time," Harry said. "Fill me. I want you to come inside me."

"I won't, Harry. I promise," Sirius said and they both picked up the pace. It wasn't long until Sirius's fingers dug deeper into Harry's skin and he was so close, aching to empty himself inside Harry.

As Sirius came, he saw Harry look at him and smile then look past his shoulder. "Draco?" Sirius asked softly and Harry nodded. If his expression was anything to go by, Sirius knew that Harry was happy with Draco's reaction.

Harry collapsed on Sirius, wrapping his arms around Sirius's neck and resting his head on Sirius's shoulder. "I can't wait for the two of you to fuck me at the same time," he said.

Sirius slightly grunted. "Can we have breakfast first, though?" He was exhausted. These two were going to take everything out of him if they'd kept it up like this. He was going to need a lot of protein.

They cleaned up quickly and when Sirius stood up off the sofa, Draco was already in the kitchen. He was making the omelettes. Harry walked in first and kissed Draco on the cheek before grabbing the plates from the cupboard.

Sirius walked up to Draco and paused for a moment. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to act. Draco smiled up at him and kissed Sirius on the lips. It was a brief, innocent kiss and then he returned his attention to cooking.

"Thanks for my breakfast," Sirius whispered in Draco's ear grabbing his arse and squeezed it lightly.

"Thanks for dessert last night," Draco answered.

Sirius had no idea what they were doing, but he had a feeling that it was going to be a very interesting living arrangement from now on.

For breakfast, they were all huddled close together with Harry sitting in between Sirius and Draco. Sirius's nose was constantly nuzzling around Harry's neck or in his hair and Draco could tell that Harry was really enjoying the attention.

He hated to have to leave but he knew that he had to.

"I must be off," he said quietly, standing up off the chair and collecting his dishes.

"Oh?" Harry said, sounding disappointed.

"I have to get home, grab a fresh pair of robes before I'm off to work."

"Will we see you tonight?" Sirius asked and Draco looked down at the both of them. Harry's head was resting on Sirius's chest and they both had given him a wide-eyed hopeful look. Draco almost always remained impassive but in that moment, he couldn't help but smile. They were both looking at him the way Draco had accused Harry of looking at Sirius. Same dreamy, lustful, twinkle in the eyes.

They were his just as much as he was theirs, now.

"Of course," he replied.

He left the kitchen and made his way back up to Sirius's room. He could have Apparated away from there but he went downstairs to give Harry a goodbye kiss.

When he returned, Harry was doing the dishes and Sirius was lounged back reading the newspaper. Sirius looked up at him and smiled and Draco nodded in return. Sirius watched him as Draco walked behind Harry, snaked his arm around Harry's waist and turned to kiss him.

Harry gave a startled laugh and threw some of the soapy bubbles at him. "You know I hate it when you sneak up behind me like that."

"I know," Draco said and kissed him again.

Harry leaned in close and whispered in Draco's ear. "I love you."

"I know," Draco said and gave him a smirk.

Harry shook his head and returned to the washing when Draco released his hold on him.

"Black," Draco said, nodding, but he couldn't hide his grin.

Sirius stood up and walked to the Floo with him. Then, he ran his fingers through Draco's hair-which was a mess, he was sure-and pulled him in for a deep kiss. "Bring your things for the week," he said when they parted.

"What?" Draco said, in a surprise.

"Stay with us for a week, like you live here, and not just a guest. I want to see your things scattered about like I see Harry's. Your books, quills...socks." He gave a short laugh. "This is a Black family house. It's just as much as yours as it is mine. And he-"

"Is just as much yours as he is mine," Draco said.

"He loves you," Sirius said with a smile and he continued to rake his fingers through Draco's hair.

"And he loves you, too," Draco said; he wasn't sure why they were so passively arguing but he continued to counter everything Sirius was saying.

Maybe it was his own way of letting Sirius know of his insecurities. He was afraid that maybe, there was a chance that Harry would pick Sirius over Draco.

"Yeah..." Sirius gave a soft chuckle. "Suppose I want you to love me too."

Draco gave a surprise laugh and leaned into Sirius's embrace. They kissed again, soft, and slow. Sirius was gently sucking Draco's tongue as his hold on Draco started to tighten.

"I think that can be arranged," Draco replied before he pulled away from Sirius and took the Floo to his flat.


scarstar, pairing: sirius/draco, rating: nc-17, -threesome, pairing: sirius/harry, pairing: harry/draco, threesome: sirius/draco/harry, community: hp_darkages

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