I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours [Sirius/Harry/Draco - NC-17]

Apr 04, 2015 14:37

Title: I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours
Author: digthewriter
Table Used: Chamber Of Secrets
Prompt(s) Used: From the table: (slight) dub-con, food, oral sex, hair pulling, dirty talk, wall sex (kind of), alcohol. Also this fic is written for the 2014 FEST prompt: 21 for hp_darkages
Pairing: (In no particular order) Sirius/Harry. Sirius/Draco. Harry/ ( Read more... )

scarstar, pairing: sirius/draco, rating: nc-17, -threesome, pairing: sirius/harry, pairing: harry/draco, threesome: sirius/draco/harry, community: hp_darkages

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Comments 22

bloodisshrp April 4 2015, 19:07:15 UTC

This is amazing! ♥ I generally stay away from reading threesomes because I hate it when one of them gets left behind. But you've handled it so beautifully! :) From their discussion over who to choose (lol at Draco vetoing Weaslys!) and then the moment when it became clear who they wanted! And Draco's utter fail moment when he tried to seduce Sirius at the table and ended up arguing with him! :D And the ending!

So wonderful! ♥


digthewriter April 4 2015, 19:10:10 UTC
And Draco's utter fail moment when he tried to seduce Sirius at the table and ended up arguing with him! LOL, yeah I still giggle at that part. Thanks so much for reading it! I'm glad you liked it.



snegurochka_lee April 4 2015, 19:54:48 UTC
Oooh, I liked that! Great idea for a threesome. I like that Sirius and Draco have such a different dynamic than Sirius and Harry.

"Black," Draco said, nodding, but he couldn't hide his grin. -- lol, that's perfect, going back to their old ways a little bit even after their night together. :)


digthewriter April 4 2015, 20:27:35 UTC
Thank you so much! I am happy that you took the time to read and comment! \o/ ♥


witchravenfox April 4 2015, 21:48:44 UTC
I really enjoyed this. It looks like calling each other by surname will become a cheeky but sweet thing they do. Which I adore. And it was all so HOT!! Which was great.


digthewriter April 5 2015, 21:53:52 UTC
Thank you so much!



leontinabowie April 5 2015, 10:25:59 UTC
I adored everything about this story ♥

Right from the opening when Harry and Draco were having what was basically a business meeting about who to have a threesome with, I knew this fic would be amazing.

The sex was super hot, and I loved the range of emotions in this, but I think what made it extra special was the characterisations and dynamics. The three of them each had their own (in-character) personalities, and had different dynamics with each person, and I loved that distinction.

Also, I adored how it wasn't easy for them at first. Going from a two to a three for the first time won't be easy, and I'm glad you showed that they struggled for a bit with how to do it (but without being too angsty) and of course I love that they finally got the hang of it by the end :)

Oh, and Harry saying to Sirius "Fuck me harder" - brilliant :D


digthewriter April 5 2015, 21:53:37 UTC

I am super stoked you liked this! ♥ Thanks for your lovely comment.



capitu April 5 2015, 14:26:42 UTC
That was fantastic, dig. I love the dynamic they had going by the end. How different it was between Harry and Sirius and between Draco and Sirius and between Harry and Draco.

I loved when Draco tried to ~seduce Sirius, only for Harry's touches to work way better. I loved how Sirius worked them at the beginning, making Draco come to them instead of watching. I absolutely loved that at first they were doing it for Harry but it changed and it was a thing the three of them did. I can see them working together like this.

Brilliant and so fucking hot, Dig! Damn!


digthewriter April 5 2015, 21:52:40 UTC
Thanks! I'm so glad you liked it! Now you have the beginning and the ending of that little teaser I posted last week!



capitu April 6 2015, 11:18:58 UTC
Yes! I got to that part and I went Ah ha!!!! Amazing, dig. You rock at threesome, clearly! :)


digthewriter April 6 2015, 17:36:11 UTC
Aw, that's so sweet.

Thanks. xx


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