He Says It (Harry/Sirius)

Nov 04, 2014 13:22

Title: He Says It
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Sirius
Challenge(optional): Precious for
Rating: R
Length(if fic): 100
Warnings(if applicable): Godfather/Godson sexual content
Notes(optional): Continuation of "Godfathers Always Know" Series. (Totally unbetaed) - Part One, Part Two (He Likes It), Part Three (He Wants It),

Sirius held him like he was something precious. Harry loved that feeling. No one made him feel like that.

He didn't know when his feelings for Sirius had developed but it was almost like the day he realised that he loved him, he couldn't look at anything else the same way anymore. He'd been asleep and after everything, it was Sirius that had woke him up. How could you not love someone who did that to you?

"Tell me what you want," Harry said when his mouth reached Sirius's ear and he all but whispered the words.

"You," answered Sirius.

Read the next part: He Takes It

community: harry100, scarstar, pairing: sirius/harry, rating: r

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