He Likes It (Harry/Sirius)

Oct 09, 2014 20:44

Title: He Likes It
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Sirius
Challenge(optional): Attraction for
Rating: R
Length(if fic): 100
Warnings(if applicable): Godfather/Godson sexual content
Notes(optional): Continuation of " Godfathers Always Know" (Totally unbetaed)

"Watch?" Harry's voice betrayed him, trembling. He tried not to groan at how annoyed he was at himself. But, what did Sirius mean, watch?

“Don’t think I haven’t noticed,” Sirius said. “I have. I see the way you look at me. I…like it.”

Gods, was his attraction to Sirius that obvious. Was it not bad enough that he was an eighteen year-old virgin? He needed to have a crush on someone that was so much older, too? And so much cooler?

“You like it?” Harry hesitated. “I…” Stay strong, Harry. Be strong!

“Come here,” Sirius said huskily, and Harry obliged.
NEXT PART: He Wants It

community: harry100, scarstar, pairing: sirius/harry, rating: r

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