Why is Dad sad? Albus wants to know. (Harry, Draco, Albus)

Sep 11, 2014 21:51

Title: Why is Dad sad? Albus wants to know
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Word Count: 580
Rating: G
Warnings: Um, Albus's point of view. IDEK
Created for: hd_writers challenges. #7: Try something new. #5: Weekly Prompts
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Um, so "trying something new" and writing Albus's POV about why his dad is so sad.  Using the prompts: 1/ Hogwarts Letter, 2/ Sorting Hat, 3/ Duel, 4/ Snitch, 5/ Potions. Unbetaed.

Summary: Dad wasn't as excited about Albus going to Hogwarts as he'd been when James had received his letter. Maybe because at that time Mum and Dad were still together. After Mum left, Albus's dad visited Hogwarts a lot, but then, that too, had stopped.
"I got my Hogwarts Letter!" Albus screamed and ran through the house as the owl came and he'd finally received his letter stating that he had been accepted to Hogwarts just like his older brother!

Lily jumped up and down in excitement with him and Albus gave her the letter so she could take it to Dad. She was screaming too then and almost knocked herself over as she caught up with Dad.

Dad, on the other hand was not as excited as Albus or Lily. James was scowling because apparently he was too cool for his brother to go to the same school as him. Albus was sure that James had been praying that Albus was a squib.

"I wonder what house the sorting hat is going to put me in!" Albus said, still basking in the happiness. "I wonder what kind of potions I'll learn the first year! Maybe instead of becoming good at potions like James, I would learn cool spells and duel with all the bullies! I bet I'll make Prefect too someday!"

"Calm down there a little, Albus. Your mind is flying faster than a Snitch," Dad said. "Let's look at the list of books and materials you'll need first. You’ll also have to talk to your Mum about it. She’s going to want to take you shopping.”

Dad wasn't as excited about Albus going to Hogwarts as he'd been when James had received his letter. Maybe because at that time Mum and Dad were still together. After Mum left, Albus's dad visited Hogwarts a lot, but then, that too, had stopped.

Of course Albus knew that Dad used to visit Hogwarts a lot to see James’s professor. He knew about Mr Malfoy, he was James’s favourite professor. James did really well in his Potions class. James had told Albus over Christmas holidays last year that it was embarrassing to see his dad walking around school and laughing with one of his professors.

Albus was just glad to hear that his dad was laughing again. Even if it was with a Professor. He was sure Mr Malfoy was cool, if Dad was going to visit him a lot at Hogwarts. It wasn’t until Lily had pointed it out to Al that Dad had stopped going to visit James. She didn’t know anything about Mr Malfoy.

Albus thought that maybe his dad and Mr Malfoy had a fight, and that they weren’t friends anymore. Was that why Dad was sad again? Did he not want Albus to go to Hogwarts because he didn’t want to see Mr Malfoy?

If only Mum was still there and then they could have talked about it. Mum was always so good at making everything better, but Albus also knew that she and Dad fought a lot, so maybe that wasn’t a good idea.

“Do you think Mr Malfoy is going to be shopping at Diagon Alley, too?” Albus asked his dad.

“What? Why would he-why would I know that?”

“I dunno,” Albus said shrugging. “He’s got a son, too and I think he’s the same age as me. Maybe he got his Hogwarts letter and-”

“Then, I am sure he will go to Diagon Alley for shopping, too,” Dad said.

“Good, because I want to talk to him,” Albus told him.

“What do you want to talk to Mr Malfoy about?” Dad asked, sounding sort of scared, Albus thought.

“I dunno. Maybe his son and I could be friends!"


rating: g, pairing: harry/draco, character: albus severus potter, community: hd_writers

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