Who'll Stop the Rain? (Rating PG-13, Sam)

Nov 03, 2010 04:08

It seems to take me staying up til all hours of the night to get any writing done but, so far so good. At least I'm keeping up with my word count. The word of the day today is, 'rain'. :)

Title: Who'll Stop the Rain?
Author: Digitalwave
Fandom: Supernatural
Character: Sam
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 150 words
Spoilers: Gen series spoilers for all aired episodes, especially SPN Episode 6.06
Summary: The night provided the tears he couldn't shed...

The staccato beat of rain on the tin roof overhead filled his senses as he lay there in the dark. Its rhythm ran through him, echoed by the hollow beat of his heart as it pumped on, unchanging in its pace since he woke up, cold and abandoned in Stull Cemetery.

Sam lay counting the seconds between each flash and rumble. Since his return, no matter how hard he tried, sleep eluded him. And he did try, night after endless night. Whatever small shred of his sanity remained was always quick to point out to him that without sleep the human body crumbled into madness.

Yet, like in all great tragedies, therein lies the rub. Sam would have laughed his ass off about it once upon a time. Humanity and he had parted company a long time ago. Guess his mind had finally gotten the message his heart already knew.

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fanfiction, mini_nanowrimo, supernatural fiction

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