Toeing the Line (Rating PG-13, Dean)

Nov 02, 2010 04:03

Here's offering number three, still with 'balance' as the word of the day. I wanted to show a bit more of Dean's most recent POV. :)

Title: Toeing the Line
Author: Digitalwave
Fandom: Supernatural
Character: Dean
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 150 words
Spoilers: Gen series spoilers for all aired episodes, especially SPN Episode 6.06
Summary: His tightrope skills seemed to suck these days...

It felt like his whole world had been rocked and he’d lost his balance. He’d had a home, he’d had Lisa and Ben who’d actually wanted him there.

He’d had a little brother he’d loved, who’d died to save the whole frigging world, thank you very much. And, he’d had a job which, even if it no longer brought him joy, he’d been damned good at.

Now, he’d lost his home, lost Lisa and Ben, as well. Hell, as for hunting? He’d made mistakes that’d made him feel like a green-assed rookie. He’d just been unlucky enough for them all to be non-fatal.

Dean scrubbed his hands over his face and looked at the Sam-shaped thing tied to the chair in front of him. Those Hell and Heaven spawned assholes had already killed his little brother. Did they just have to go and fuck with Dean’s memories of him, too?

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fanfiction, mini_nanowrimo, supernatural fiction

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