Google Fight is a website that compares the number of results in Google for two words or phrases (e.g. god vs. satan). In theory, this allows the user to compare which concept is more popular on the internet. Unfortunately, the site appears to be down today. The following comparisons were made manually:
Comments 12
Do you mean to imply that it's better to be stupid than crazy?
I was simply depressed that "rape" was in the third most popular "ism" for women. While it is a serious issue, which does deserve attention, it's much easier to find "women are in danger of" or "women are oppressed in" stories than to find "women are talented" or "women are strong" stories.
As opposed to Google itself, which is only arguably non-scientific (as a corpus of any kind). You and I may know better than to draw strong conclusions from Google results - but I've seen many people, even in academia, making this mistake of late.
ouch, really? Can you give me an example.
That's because crazy people are better in bed. Everyone knows that.
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