Tropical Storm Day...

Jul 14, 2005 11:09

Sounds less fun than "snow day," doesn't it? But you work with what you're given. I rose at 4: 45 am and trudged up to the city like a good little worker bee, braving rain and flood waters only to be sent home again. Got back at 9:30 and was pleasantly surprised to find the Sci-Fi channel running an X-Files marathon.

The storm is over for now, for ( Read more... )

storms, real life, x-files

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Comments 17

winter_solstice July 14 2005, 16:06:41 UTC
it's nice to curl up in bed during storms.


diemme July 14 2005, 18:08:54 UTC
It is! I wish I'd stayed home from the first, this morning, as I wanted to.


(The comment has been removed)

diemme July 14 2005, 18:09:39 UTC
It shall be complex and porny!


erjika July 14 2005, 16:24:29 UTC
Bleah! But... yay no work! XD

$200 is absolutely ridiculous. o_o I could send you one for a quarter of that cost, probably.

Danish-Italian-Swedish plotbunny? *peers over your shoulder*


diemme July 14 2005, 18:10:54 UTC
Yes, a day off is of the good!

Life in the Caribbean is notoriously expensive -_-

Hee, I type as type!


jetpants July 14 2005, 16:38:13 UTC
Ooooh, hooray for no work!! but gah, storms. *stocks up your cupboards*

and yis, as evie said above, I'm currently watching the X-Files marathon. I've been randomly craving X-Files episodes lately, so tis a happy occurance.


diemme July 14 2005, 18:13:04 UTC
Yay! With lots of chocolate, please!

and yis, as evie said above, I'm currently watching the X-Files marathon. I've been randomly craving X-Files episodes lately, so tis a happy occurance.

Me too, been plotting a trip to the mall for X-files dvds for the past week!


jetpants July 14 2005, 22:02:05 UTC
*nods* of course, of course. chocolate is mandatory survival...whatever. it's everything, the stuff of life.

I want X-Files dvds SO BAD, but they're insanely expensive over here. Like, $90+ a season. that's completely unreasonable compared to prices of other tv show dvds, and I don't understand! FLAIL!


nhr July 14 2005, 16:50:50 UTC
I hope you're all right. :) *huggles*


diemme July 14 2005, 18:11:36 UTC
Hugs * Yes, thanks, I'm managing.


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