Tropical Storm Day...

Jul 14, 2005 11:09

Sounds less fun than "snow day," doesn't it? But you work with what you're given. I rose at 4: 45 am and trudged up to the city like a good little worker bee, braving rain and flood waters only to be sent home again. Got back at 9:30 and was pleasantly surprised to find the Sci-Fi channel running an X-Files marathon.

The storm is over for now, for us, it's still battering Grenada. We had flooding and minor landslides but they've been more of an inconvenience than a danger. Still, we're at the start of a busy storm season and I'm definitely getting prepared this year; I found a store where I can get a first aid kit, mini fire extiniguisher and flash light for about $200.00

Back to the X-files and a lovely Danish-Italian-Swedish plotbunny * huggles FL * Spam later, perhaps.

storms, real life, x-files

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