What an occasion for my new icon...

Jul 13, 2005 21:18

Autopsy Confirms Toddler Killed by LAPD

By GREG RISLING, Associated Press Writer 21 minutes ago

A toddler whose father held her as a shield during a gun battle with police died of a single gunshot fired from a police officer's rifle, authorities said Wednesday.

Los Angeles County coroner's spokesman Craig Harvey released the autopsy reports of 19-month-old Suzie Pena and her father Jose Pena, 34, who were both killed Sunday in the hours-long shootout at Pena's auto repair business.

The girl died from a single gunshot wound to the head, and her father died of multiple gunshot wounds, the reports said.

A toxicological examination to determine whether Pena had drugs or alcohol in his system will take several weeks, Harvey said.

Police Chief William Bratton said earlier that Pena was to blame for the child's death, calling him "an individual who held his own daughter out as a human shield."

The pair were killed Sunday evening after a nearly three-hour standoff in which Pena exchanged gunfire with officers three separate times.

One officer was wounded in the shoulder during the third and final exchange between SWAT officers and Pena. Officer Daniel Sanchez, 39, has been released from a hospital and was recovering at home, police said.

Police said Pena told them during the standoff that he was not going to go to jail and shot at the officers repeatedly. Pena's 17-year-old stepdaughter, who escaped during the shootout, told police Pena had threatened to kill his toddler daughter. Earlier in the day, Pena's wife had called 911 to report that he had threatened her life.

Pena's brother complained Tuesday about the police handling of the standoff.

"It's been cruel what's happened to my brother," German Pena said. "They didn't have any patience, none at all, knowing that my niece was with him, that he was a father. They should have acted with more patience."

Associated Press Writer Jeff Wilson contributed to this report.

No, you stupid breeder, your brother wasn't a father, he was a fucking sperm donor. Fathers aren't cowardly asses who use their babies as human shields! What happened to the baby was cruel, all that happened to your brother was that a really late term abortion finally caught up with him.
Not so wee T-Storm Emily has, thus far, remained a tropical storm. There's a wind up but not as bad as it could be. It's still nerve wracking, especially when you remember that Ivan the Terrible went from a category one to category three in less than three hours and then the bastard ended up a category five.
Edit! Emily is now a category one hurricane.

real life, rant

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