
Oct 19, 2008 19:05

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Gene and Alice Hayes
Prompt: Questions
Notes: For 12_stories
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: He's learned not to play board games with her, at least.

11: Questions

"Ge-ene!" Alice called. "Handsome, sexy Ge-ene!"

"Yes, beautiful, sexy Alice?" Gene called back, half-mocking her.

"Wanna play Trivial Pursuit?"

Gene sighed and shook his head. "Why don’t we just skip to the part where I lose?"

"But that’s no fun!"

Gene grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap, seizing the box and setting it out of her reach. She stretched. He caught her. Kissed her gently and snuck a feel of her breast.

"Hey!" she smacked him.

He held her to him and ground against her. She gasped. He grinned. Alice scrambled off of his lap and ran for the bedroom

Gene didn’t need to be told twice-or, for that matter, once. He ran after her, anticipation so thick he could taste it.


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