
Oct 17, 2008 03:47

Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Yorkeses
Prompt: Hardest Truth
Notes: For the Lover100 challenge.
Warnings: Death
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: End of the line for the Yorkeses.

007: Hardest Truth

Death was always too hard for Dale to accept. It was too deep for him to grasp, and too uncertain for him to like. His own death was not something he liked to think about. Stacey’s was something he avoided like the plague.

Their last moments together were spent crouching, wrapped in each others arms, beneath a slab of debris that had barely missed crushing them when it fell. She cried. He held her. Water rushed in around them.

Dale heard a deafening crack above them and looked up in time for the world to go black. He didn’t hear her screams die to gurgles as the water rose. Didn’t see her stop moving.

In some distant part of his mind, he felt her grab his hand, but it was too late for both of them. He slid past consciousness and just let go.


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