
Oct 17, 2008 03:45

Rating: PG
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Yorkeses
Prompt: First Meeting
Notes: For the Lover100 challenge
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: She left him in a daze.

006: First Meeting

They ran into each other in the hall. Stacey’s things went everywhere. Dale scrambled to pick them up.

They stared at each other for what felt like hours and accidentally started a thousand rumors. Then they went their separate ways.

Two whole weeks passed before they saw each other again.

It was then that they discovered that they had Robotics together, and that they were seated on the same row. He was behind her.

She took notes with a thorough, precise hand. He ignored the professor in favor of watching her. At the end of class, the professor announced a test and he panicked. Grabbed her in the hall.

"Can I borrow your notes?" he asked.

"W-well, I," she began. Cleared her throat. "I need this for my next class."


They avoided each others’ eyes for a long moment. He wondered what she’d look like naked. She wondered what he’d look like naked.

"Um… Would you like to do something this evening?" He scratched the back of his head self consciously.

She blushed and stammered.

"Just say yes," he suggested.

She stared up at him. He held his breath.


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