Deja Vu

Oct 10, 2008 06:03

Rating: R
Fandom: Runaways
Characters: Victor and Janet Stein
Prompt: Eyes
Notes: Table 9 of the 5x10 Prompts challenge
Warnings: Discussion of the male anatomy.
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Victor's in an oddly playful mood.

Victor breezed into Janet’s office and found her glued to the computer.

"Ah, yes," he teased. "With the advent of the personal computer, America’s youth has become a set of vegetables."

"Shut up. That doesn’t happen for at least ten years," Janet snapped. "Stacey told me."

He slipped up behind her. Brought his hands up to play with her hair. "You know, if you stare at that screen enough, your eyes are supposed to fall out."

She snorted. "That’s what they told me about television, too. And anyway, you’re not my mommy."

"Yes, I hope your mommy doesn’t do to you what I do."

He kissed the side of her head, draping himself over her shoulders.

"What are you?" she asked. "A Victor Fur Stole?"


She leaned back in the chair. He pulled it back, stepped around it, and straddled her hips.

"Déjà vu. Only last time, our roles were reversed."

"What do you know?"

"Does this mean I get the penis?"

"You get the penis wherever you want it."

She blushed and smacked him. "Move. I want lunch."

Victor slid off the chair. He helped her to her feet. "What kind of lunch? I know where…"

"Do not finish that sentence."

He laughed. She took a swing at him and chased him out of the room.


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