Shooting At Each Other

Sep 30, 2008 03:38

Rating: R
Fandom: Marvel Universe
Characters: Storm/Hawkeye
Warnings: Implied sex
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: He misses the old days.

Flight. And bright lights. And a thermal here, and a panicked scream there.

He holds on and lets her carry him through the sky. Lets her drag him through the storm. Lets her take him away.

Lets her drop him on the street and fall into his arms, laughing a musical laugh he’s never heard match, and doubts he ever will.

Listens to her bemoan all the stupidity of the world.

Presses long kisses to her lips and cheeks and neck.

Hears her gasp when she comes.

Feels her panic when she realizes she’ll be left.

So they see each other, again and again, whether their friends, family, teammates, whatever, know it or not.

Today he watches her ride the thermals above the X-Mansion, and feels a pang of the old days. The Beast is there. Wolverine is, too. Shadowcat, and Cyclops. No Jean. Emma Frost in her place.

Odd. But like the old days.

She spots him. Waves a little. Shoots a bolt of lightning at him playfully.

He fires an arrow at her in response, not caring if Steve thinks it’s wasteful.

She catches it.

Smiles, perfectly.

He winks at her, and knows she sees it, and they share the knowledge that they’ll have to sneak away from their duties soon.

It’s been too long.


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