
Sep 20, 2008 05:33

Rating: PG
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #31-Sunrise
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

031: Sunrise

Teddy liked to watch the sun rise, simply because Billy’s window allowed just the right amount of light at just the right angle to make the spellcaster’s features glow.

He looked angelic, no matter what he said about his morning face. Teddy knew better. He saw his morning face before it became his barely-awake one, and it was beautiful.

Some mornings Billy woke up early, eyes fluttering open, head tossing just a little, soft groans escaping his lips. And he would sit up, blink sleepily at bird-Teddy on the windowsill until the shapechanger tapped on the pane a few times.

Teddy knew which mornings he liked better. Interactive Billy was far more exciting.


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