All the Stars in the Sky

Sep 20, 2008 04:24

Rating: PG
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #46-Star
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

046: Star

Thinking about it was odd. They’d been on the run for almost a year. Registration hadn’t let up. Billy had been his boyfriend for exactly one year.

At some point along the way, Teddy knew, he’d lost the necklace his grandparents had given him. He’d cried for hours when he thought no one was looking.

Which was how Teddy found himself with a small jewelry box and the knowledge that while he could never replace the old one, he might be able to make Billy feel a little better.

They all looked like hell, he noted, walking through their little camp. They’d all aged. Their hair was longer. Their eyes were tired. They were one less. After Cassie had gone to the Initiative, the Vision had stopped speaking, and nothing had been quite the same.

Who could blame her, though?


The spellcaster looked up and offered a small smile. Teddy handed him the box. He’d had to do some very odd jobs for it. Those odd jobs were the same ones that had paid for their food, though, so Eli would be less likely to blow up at him.

Billy looked confused and worried.

"I didn’t steal it," he said.

This didn’t seem to satisfy Billy completely, but it would do for now. He flipped the lid up and gasped. Tears started down his face.

"Oh, Teddy."

He took it out of the box and tried to fasten the chain at the back of his neck. His fingers hadn’t really been working right lately, though, not since their last fight, when some nut had tried to close his hands in a door. He’d almost succeeded.

Teddy took it from him and connected the clasp, letting it fall to hang around his neck. The look Billy gave him was worth more than all the stars in the sky.


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