Mirrors by Moonlight

Sep 20, 2008 04:27

Rating: PG
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Hulkling, Sarah Altman, Wiccan
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #45-Moon
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

045: Moon

The moon reflected off of the mirror his mother had hung on a whim one day. It lit up the entire room bathing it in a pale, surreal glow.

Teddy and Sarah sat in the middle of the living room, playing some asinine board game and waiting for the storm to pass, neither realizing it already had.

Sarah glanced at her son.

"So when are you going to tell me who Billy is?" she asked.

Teddy gaped at her, face burning. "Wh-what?"

"He’s called three times in the past two hours. You sound so happy when you’re talking to him," Sarah said. "Is he," she hesitated. "Is he your boyfriend?" she finally asked, as delicately as she could.

Teddy turned a shade of purple normally associated with victims of drowning. "I-I… No! He’s not. He’s just a friend." He dropped his eyes to the board, not seeing it and not caring.

She studied him for a long moment.

"Do you wish he was?"

Teddy nodded mutely. "I was gonna tell you," he mumbled.

"I know."

"I figured. You always know stuff."

She chuckled. "That’s Layla Miller, isn’t it?"

Teddy grinned. "You’ve been reading my X-Factor, haven’t you?" he teased. Sarah adopted an entirely too innocent look.


Their eyes met for a moment and the fell into giggles.

"So," she said, finally regaining a modicum of control over her voice, "Is he cute?"

Teddy smiled a private smile. "No," he informed his mother. "He’s beautiful."

Sarah patted his knee and passed him the dice. "I know the feeling."


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