Almost Regrettable

Sep 19, 2008 14:42

Rating: PG
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #82-If

082: If

Sometimes Billy catches himself wondering about life in the present. For instance, today he’s wondering where he’d be right now if he’d kissed that pretty boy in the seventh grade, instead of backing away, terrified of the prospect and of himself.

What if, when he’d played spin-the-bottle that night with all the kids from synagogue, it had landed on Johnny Weis and not Karen Valence? Perhaps his abortive relationship would have been a little more honest and he’d have figured himself out sooner.

Sooner than Teddy.

It hadn’t been until Teddy quite happily informed him that he was gay and Billy was the prettiest thing he’d ever seen that he found himself. It hadn’t been until Teddy kissed him good night a week later until he knew why it was so easy to get lost in big, blue eyes.

And with that thought, he shoots his melancholy through the heart and reaches for the phone.


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